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  1. evildan

    Major G5 problem?

    You have your dual G5 already? Seems a tad early, where did you buy it? I was order #63 and mine was just shipped out yesterday (from Apple). Very cool that you got one early. As far as the problem, it's hard to say exactly what that is, as I've never experienced it. Since osx operates...
  2. evildan

    Breaking: Beatles sue Apple (again)...

    I'm not trying to be argumentative, but just want to point out that Apple (Computer) had a ton of money "then". They were at their peak, when Apple Corp (Beatles) sued them. Also, being a Beatles' fan, let me clear a common misconception. It's not like Paul called up Ringo and said, "hey...
  3. evildan

    Breaking: Beatles sue Apple (again)...

    The big draw back to this for Apple Computer is that they lost the relevant case and agreed to never go into the sale of music. Which is what the iTunes music store is doing. Perhaps this is a sub-company of Apple, or it breaks off into its own company as a result of this lawsuit.
  4. evildan

    Breaking: Beatles sue Apple (again)...

    I agree Ed. Speaking as someone who was only five years old when Lennon was shot, I still consider myself an avid Beatles fan. I'm a little on the fence on this one though. On the one hand Apple Computer did lose a lawsuit and promised to never get into the music industry. But on the other...
  5. evildan

    Breaking: Beatles sue Apple (again)...

    Apple Corp. has to protect it's interests. They're sole ability to stay alive rests in maintaining the standards of the music. The Beatles are still a number one selling band, despite the fact that they don't make any new music any more. So the company (Apple Corp) has to prevent future...
  6. evildan

    XServe as File Server AND Web Server?

    I use XServe as a file server AND a multi-client web host. And as ksv said, having two NIC cards does help keep things separated. When I started working for this company they didn't have the machine configured that way at all, and I have to admit, it worked fine. But we didn't have as much...
  7. evildan

    Dreamweaver MX forms/PHP scripts

    I'm a big fan of PHP. It's pretty simple to use. I've had some experience with Pearl, and in most cases, it would be overkill for smaller web projects. I use PHP all the time now. Here's a how to create your first PHP script. 1) Open a text document. 2) Type the following code...
  8. evildan

    Apple iPod's new Ad campign copies other's idea?

    This is a very classic form of design. It mimics the designs you'd see in the 70's. This is a trend that is seen throughout the areas where I live. The "Silhouette look" is nothing new. To claim that Apple somehow stole it, is not really a fair assessment, since this is a style used in...
  9. evildan

    Safari Browser Won't Download

    I've seen this when downloading from I get to the page that says... "if you're download hasn't started, click here" most of the time, in other browsers, I don't have to do anything, but in Safari, I almost always have to click on the link. Not sure what the cause of...
  10. evildan

    Safari Making Me look Bad to Clients

    Cat, The problem seems to not exist all the time. Most of the time refreshing the page solves the problem. However, as my past posts have indicated, when refreshing doesn't work, and the images are held in cache, Safari doesn't actually completely empty cache. One theory is that it uses...
  11. evildan

    Safari Making Me look Bad to Clients

    I've tried to simply refresh the pages... but that doesn't work. I keep attempting to do a shift refresh, as in IE this key combination forces the refresh. The refresh doesn't appear to do anything in the cases that I experience. pds, I have the problem more often with small tweaks...
  12. evildan

    Safari Making Me look Bad to Clients

    Thanks bob, I've done that too. And, for me, it works. But I can't see telling my clients to do that. Considering I'm the one who sold them on the browser to begin with, my clout with them is under suspicion. The most I can hope for is for them to use another browser to prevent these pages...
  13. evildan

    Entourage vs Mail

    I use Entourage except on my work machine, where I'm forced to use I am not a big M$ supported or anything, it's just that Entourage is much better then in my opinion. They do tend to share the same features, and I have not doubt that will eventually catch up to...
  14. evildan

    Safari Making Me look Bad to Clients

    You know what, that didn't even work! Safari Enhancer disables the Safari Cache and for some reason it still displays the incorrect version of some pages in memory. There must be some system image cache that Safari uses to display commonly accessed images because I am currently looking at...
  15. evildan

    Safari Making Me look Bad to Clients

    Okay I downloaded Safari Enhancer and was able to disable cache. Which tells me two things... 1) This is an issue with other people 2) Apple really cannot expect people to download helper applications like this to solve these types of issues. These enhancements should be included in...
  16. evildan

    Safari Making Me look Bad to Clients

    First let me say, I love Safari. I have been using it since beta and didn't look back. For the most part I've been using it 100% of the time. However, I've recently been forced to unearth -- ACK! -- IE Explorer because of a reoccurring issue in Safari. Safari will not clear cache and it's...
  17. evildan

    Apple Bluetooth Mouse and Keyboard

    This should be interesting. Anyone know what they will look like? Now let's work on the wireless monitor! So we can achieve our goal of having a wireless desktop! Okay, I know I'm crazy for even suggesting a wireless monitor. :)
  18. evildan

    Well? Has anyone gotten their G5 yet?

    My Dual G5 is scheduled for September 10th delivery. I'm pretty excited. The CDW guys said that they were only getting 50 a day from Apple. He said that he thinks Apple underestimated the popularity of the dual high-end model. When I ordered the machine, over a month ago, they put me on a...
  19. evildan

    M$ has surrendered to the Blaster worm

    Maybe M$ should use an Xserve farm for the task. Seems less likely to get hit with those nasty Windows viruses hitting the net now-a-days. :)
  20. evildan

    Unsupported Monitor Resolution

    A friend of mine has a Titanium laptop, slightly newer then mine. He can set his resolution to a higher setting then I can. The maximum setting I have available to me is 1152 x 768. He can set his to 12-something x something. My TiBook is the last model BEFORE Apple removed the...