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  1. C

    iWorks - office replacement

    The smart move would be for Apple to follow the Safari paradigm and base any office application on open source. check out By improving the suite (to use Aqua instead of X11) and throwing it back out to the open source community, Apple could really loosen the grip that...
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    iTunes for Win

    May be to sell more iPODs... I bought my iPod for Windows (open box special). Before reformatting it for the iMac, I tried using the MusicMatch software for Windows. It sucked big time. In fact, it sucked to the extent that I really cannot recommend an iPod to any of my PC buds without also...
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    Start-up error message?

    I noticed that when I start up using command-s to run fsck -y, my system always displays "Couldn't alloc class "NVDANV10Hal" This seems like some kind of error. I am running a flat-panel iMac with 640mb ram and a firewire HD. OS 10.2.3. Any advice? :) -- I do seem to get random system...
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    try this... I have no idea if it's any good, but it looks like it might be what you're looking for...
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    Jaguar Keeps Waking !!!

    I have this problem intermittently, but it only really started after installing a wireless mouse... I figure it must be stray signals causing the wake up. I haven't tried disconnecting the mouse, since this doen't really bother me.
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    Mac to Windows shared printer?

    Hi Thanks for the detailed reply. This ALMOST works. When I print from the Mac, my PC's HD makes some noise, but then nothing is printed. I think I need to sort out the drivers at the Mac end. I'll keep messing with it! Thanks again for the awesome and relevant post!
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    Register Here

    register me!
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    Mac to Windows shared printer?

    I finally got the Mac and Windows to play together nicely and share their files. Unfortunately the PC's are being greedy and won't share the printer with Mac although they will with each other. --- Forgive the sarcasm. Is there any way that I get the Mac to see a printer on the Windows...
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    I am relatively new Mac user and I just discovered the joy of printing to .pdf. How awesome is that! Until now one of biggest work hassles was sending clients Word documents in other countries only to find that their font were all messed up. Nice one Apple!
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    jaguar crash proof or spoof?

    Shemina, Your problem sounds EXACTLY the same as mine... I have a flat panel iMac 15" 40GB/g4-700/128mb that I bought in October with 10.1 pre-installed. 1) It came with 128mb. I thought lack of mem was the problem. I added 512mb - still crashes... 2) It came with 10.1, so I thought...
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    Download problem

    Thanks, but everything works fine on the PC's which share the same connection, so it's not the ISP.
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    Download problem

    I recently installed an Airport card and connected to my PC network/broadband modem, but i can't seem to download files bigger than 4mb. The downloads start nicely at 200-300k/s, but after 3-4mb has come down, it seems to time out. I'm running an iMac, OS 10.2, airport (with latest updates...
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    Can a Mac and a PC share the same partition?

    Not sure if this is worthy of a listing under FAQ's, but this definitely works. I formatted the external HD using FAT32 and it now mounts quite happily on both the iMac and the Win XP machine. The drive I am using in has both Firewire and USB2.0 connections and works a treat. Awesome!!
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    Can a Mac and a PC share the same partition?

    Thanks for the input folks. Not that I disbelieved you, buy after some more digging around, I read that OS X will support a FAT32 partition. The article at seems to support this notion. So, if I format the HD on the PC using FAT32, I should be able to read/write it in OS...
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    Can a Mac and a PC share the same partition?

    Darn - I just got back from CompUSA with an AcomData 120GB firewire/USB 2.0 external drive (great deal by the way for $200 after rebates). So, there's no way to format this thing to be read/written by both machines? How about partitioning it for each system? i guess that negates the point...
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    Can a Mac and a PC share the same partition?

    I wantd to get an external HD to boost the storage on my Mac. If I got a firewire drive, how should I format it so that it can be read/written by Win XP and Mac OS X? The ideal situation would be so that I could share my MP3's/photos between the two machine on the same partition. Is this...
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    iMac (Flat Panel) HD upgrade

    Hi, i just bought a new iMac and am half way through filling the HD with my CD collection. I am kind of regretting not getting a version with a bigger HD (I have 40GB). Is the HD in the flatpanel iMac upgradeable? If so, it is a reglar 3.5 HD or laptop drive? Help and advice...