Search results

  1. P

    Mac mini - Didn't feel the love..

    Well, a little update. My mini had 256MB RAM and I've swapped units, so my unit is going back and I'm keeping the 512MB machine for myself. I did notice it felt slow but I reinstalled it. Now it runs like lightning, I'm chuffed to bits and really pleased. My partner is still going for a Dell...
  2. P

    Mac mini - Didn't feel the love..

    Last thursday our Mac minis arrived after waiting a good month for delivery. The wait was painful, I could not get much done on the PC which was about to be sold, I got sick of looking at it. My partner too was looking forward to the Mac and being able to get rid of the buzzing PC horror which...
  3. P

    The Apple iNote (pda)

    LOL! Very good joke!
  4. P

    Psion or Palm for Mac OS X?

    Psion's are a bit old now, I'd go for a Palm (I did last week) or a PocketPC. If you take a look at Missing Sync at you'll see they support a lot of PDAs. I used the list of supported machines there to decide which one to buy. I then strolled down to Dixons in York and...
  5. P

    Mac mini had to re-install, now Appleworks is MISSING!

    @ DeltaMac : THANKYOU!! Not very intuitive though as those items look just like language support options, not the actual application. But it works and all is well again. Thanks for the info about the shift key, I will try it later and remember that one! @ Convert : No it's quite old, I'm...
  6. P

    Mac mini had to re-install, now Appleworks is MISSING!

    OK, this is a biggie so grab a coffee, shisha, cigarrete or anything else you're acustomed to and be amazed and dazzled by my tale of woe... My new Mac mini came the other day and I've been loving it (not literally but only because of willpower), until I adjusted the monitor settings, when I...
  7. P

    best TV to MAC solution?

    I really love that pic, what a great idea!
  8. P

    Your Job

    Once my qualifications, occupation and income defined who I was, and I had pride in them. Thankfully I no longer think in that way. The doctorate made me feel good but gave me no wisdom, the huge salaries bought me everything I wanted and yet I gained nothing. Now my job is just that, a job -...
  9. P

    best TV to MAC solution?

    I've heard EyeTV is good, I'm planning on doing a similar thing, there is a remote which works with it too, evidently you can do timeshifts as well as pause, record etc. BUT I agree EvolutionTV looks more impressive, so I may choose that too if I can pause and rewind live TV.
  10. P

    hmmm... what to do with the old PC

    I'm doing the hammer thing, should be really good fun. FINALLY I get revenge!!
  11. P

    Tiger on the Mini

    Is this just coming down to a debate on ripple effects? I'm don't care about ripples, just that the next OS is going to support my Mac mini - which is being shipped today, whoo-hoo! - and it will look, feel and behave as gorgeously as I'd expect from Apple and allow me to do the things I need...
  12. P

    Mac under attack...

    I would not necessarily agree with that I'd consider many open source projects to be serious and Linux for example to be as serious a platform as any, but there is a two way thing when it comes to using this sort of thing, the developers should be receptive to good mannered user requests and...
  13. P

    Interview the person beneath you

    a. never heard of it (I like this game) q. have you?
  14. P

    MacMini in a car!

    Scores 10/10 on my "Wow I'm impressed" scale Scores 9/10 on my "Wow that's pointless" scale Perhaps it's useful for someone who spends too much time in their car? Can't be healthy. Or maybe too much money? That'll invalidate his warranty you know :p
  15. P

    Mac under attack...

    Maybe I'm just oversimplifying here, I trust Open Source projects to make some really good things, and companies that want to make a profit from it to add the appropriate spit-n-polish to make it worth the money they want to charge. If I want a feature on a Sun supplied desktop, I'd go to them...
  16. P

    Mac under attack...

    I'm a Linux/Solaris user, I used to really like SUSE's implementation of KDE but after the Novell aquisition.. well, we parted ways and I used Sun's Java Desktop system - gave me a bit of Sun and SUSE as it's derived from it. More recently I've been using Solaris 10 which uses JDS for it's...
  17. P

    Interview the person beneath you

    a. haven't decided (got toothache, mouth is a major preoccupation ;-) b. what's the worst piece of software you've ever run?
  18. P

    Interview the person beneath you

    a. Don't know q. What is the most embarrasing thing you've ever had in your mouth?
  19. P

    Quick question about Xcode

    But the chances are it will come with everything I need out-of-the-box? Actually if anyone has a Mac mini already and can verify that I'd be a happy bunny :)
  20. P

    iPod Shuffle Knock Off !

    Damn! Beaten to it!