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  1. E

    Airport extreme cards for Powerbook DVI 667

    It seems to me like apple is denying users like me from using Airport Extreme. I have a (slightly old) Powerbook DVI 667 bought about 9 months ago and thus is only Airport ready not Airport Extreme. The reason Apple gives is that the bus of the Airport card slot doesn't support the speeds...
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    Homepage settings won't stick. Resets itself :(

    well. it wasn't it :( After a restart back to square one. It still resets back to the old settings. Very wierd. :confused: Would it have anything to do with me having put my home folder on another partition of my harddrive?
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    Homepage settings won't stick. Resets itself :(

    check. that was it. ;) ;) I'll remember the Disk Utilities for the next time. Thanks for your help. ;) ;)
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    Homepage settings won't stick. Resets itself :(

    twister --- yep I have done that. somehow neither work. It seems like the programs don't have write permissions... but i wouldn't know where to look. dktrickey - cool, I'l remember for next time. ;)
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    Homepage settings won't stick. Resets itself :(

    Just a quick question to see if you guys can help me out. I've tried to set my homepage to some other site (in system prefs>internet) and when I click home in Safari it will go there, but as soon as i quit and re-open the browser it will pop back to the old page.. First it was only doing this...
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    PowerBook 12" - no dial tone error - modem bust?

    Yep. Even though I have dealt with persons who wouldn't realize the difference between a ethernet and modem connection I would never regard myself as one of those ;) but none the less a good point. Yeah i spent about 3 hrs trying to get it online with a nudred different settings and using the...
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    PowerBook 12" - no dial tone error - modem bust?

    I'm having trouble with my new powerbook 12", getting no dial tone errors. I just got my dad a new powerbook 12". And tried to go online via the internal Modem. But no luck, somehow it's not getting a dial tone. when I try on my own powerbook 15" it's fine, goes online without any trouble. I...
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    Chimera vs. Safari

    I choose SAFARI. A few reasons. First the google search this thing is great! I use google about 5/10 times a day and filling it in straight in the UI of the browser beats having to go to the search site first. Secondly I find the bookmarks a big improvement over Chimera... not sure why...
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    New Keys on 17" PowerBook

    Just a quick note about turning the function key on by default. If you boot up in OS 9 (for those that still remember it's the OS apple had before X ;) ) you can switch it in one of the control panels there. Then upon reboot into OS X it's fixed. I've been using this ever since i found the...
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    PHP and Crontab

    thx zimbop. I got the file will try this weekend to unstuff with 6.5.1. The urgency to get the binary working has been solved since the main reason I needed it was to install PEAR. But i found a different solution that solved everything first go. For those of you looking for an easy way to...
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    PHP and Crontab

    I did that but it tells me the file is not in gzip format. Are there other formats? Can i untar this or what? I tried most things even going into classic and using the old stuffit expander. Any tips are welcome. This is what Darwin tells me: Welcome to Darwin! [local:~] spif% ls Desktop...
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    PHP and Crontab

    I found a binary but don't know how to run it. The file is a .gz file but won't unzip or anything. If I just run it like it is it won't go. Any hints? Found it at where the other tutorials are under the FAQ: >Can I also get the CGI version of PHP?" >Yes. Here is the binary...
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    PHP and Crontab

    how do I compile a stand alone php executable?
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    [HOWTO] - Setup PHP & MySQL

    For those still using this tutorial that are still running 10.1, the php module at only works for 10.2. If you need a version that runs on 10.1.x, the older 4.2.2 version is still available. Make sure to rename it to the name "" after downloading and before...
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    What's ahead for Apple?

    I would like to see: 24. Way better SMB integration with windows, maybe extend rendezvous to see windows networks as well as AppleTalk networks. Also make the implementation of SMB less CPU intensive 25. Totally recode the finder. It's still too slow and not multitasking, would be good to...
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    Quick question about SMB

    Well actually two questions... 1. When downloading from my university using SMB from windows (or linux) machines, my processor is used intensely. So much that my PowerBook g4 becomes quite slow. Why is this? Something to do with translating the SMB protocol? 2. Can you resume copies? For...
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    Mozilla & IE slow with secure sites

    So this is a kind of bump but also a question why I'm not getting any replies. For me, a new Mac user, this forum is a place to get answers to my questions about Mac OS X and it's software. the posts I've made usually get very little response, I get the feeling nobody wants to discuss...
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    Do you pay all your software ?

    I have all my software legally. That includes Studio MX, Photoshop 7, Director 8.5 at full price and Office v X for the education discount. However I do agree with Mindbend that the software companies do not make it easy on newly starting media companies (like mine) that wish to do everything...
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    a few questions from a new guy?

    Hi there, I have a PowerBook running 10.1.5 and I have no worries running Studio MX, it runs like a train. I have the original Macromedia CD but used the installers downloaded from there webstore. So I can think of a few reasons why it's crashing: 1. Corrupted install files (if they are...
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    Mozilla & IE slow with secure sites

    I seem to be having trouble with Mozilla while visiting secure sites. It grinds right down to a halt incredibly slow. Same thing goes for IE5.2. On the PC there's no problem with both browsers: pages load super fast. I tried Chimera and at first glance it worked way better: the pages loaded at...