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  1. Woodgie2

    XServe G5s now with 16GB RAM?

    Afterthought: Does this mean the PowerMac G5s are capable of the same? It should.
  2. Woodgie2

    XServe G5s now with 16GB RAM?

    Well, it does push the price up to over £10,000 which just hurts my head :)
  3. Woodgie2

    XServe G5s now with 16GB RAM?

    I've just been perusing the UK AppleStore ( and I noticed the XServe G5s are now being offered with 16GB or RAM. Yes, you read that right, a humongous whopping 16GB! For those of you too stunned to do the maths that's 8x2GB modules. I may be being a bit slow...
  4. Woodgie2

    Moving to Apple Mail

    OK, so here's my dilemma. I've been using Microsoft eMail clients for forever. At first Outlook Express under Mac OS 7, 8 and 9 and for about 4 years now, Entourage. I really, really want to move to Apple Mail, there are only 2 things that make me hesitate. Firstly, I have a truely HUGE...
  5. Woodgie2

    XML Viewer software wanted

    's funny, I was looking for just this kind of thing myself today without finding just what it was I wanted. Basically all I want is the Property List Editor to read standard XML files. Apple? Any chance of that happening? It's not like I need to do anything too heavy duty, I just want to...
  6. Woodgie2

    Connecting to a Cisco 2950

    OK, with the help of a friend who knows a bunch of Cisco stuff I got this running smoothly. It's actually damned easy. I could write up a tutorial on it and post it here or somewhere else if people think it's be worth it. Votes?
  7. Woodgie2

    Connecting to a Cisco 2950

    Aaaahhh, that's kind of the problem, and the main reason I have the switch in the first place :) No one knows what the IP address is. :rolleyes:
  8. Woodgie2

    Connecting to a Cisco 2950

    Yep, but HOW? Simply typing telnet will merely drop me into telnet without connecting to anything. Unless I'm missing something, of course. I also need to know how to set the serial parameters (9600 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, No parity, None (flow control)) But they sound pretty default...
  9. Woodgie2

    Connecting to a Cisco 2950

    A good morning to all you good people. I've been given an old Cisco 2950 at work as a part toy / part 'bit of a project'. Lucky me huh? There's only one problem, I have no idea how to connect to it. If I could just leap that hurdle then I'm sure I'll have fun bashing out the rest. The...
  10. Woodgie2

    SSH information and tutorials

    Oooooohhhh, thank 'ee guv. I'll try that, I think I have the other part of the puzzle...
  11. Woodgie2

    SSH information and tutorials

    At the moment I use ssh in it's most basic form for logging onto another computer and working on it at the command line (my webserver etc.). All this is done on the LAN behind the firewall, so it's 'safe' to have ssh 'open' to the network. However, What I'd ideally like is to set up ssh on a...
  12. Woodgie2

    How to change the computer name used for sharing?

    I'd talk to your DNS admin, ask him to change the CNAME and PTR for your IP address. I have to say though, they will probably not be to keen to do that :) Now for the crunch, how do you stop your computer from picking up the name from the DNS? Well I have to say, off the top of my head I...
  13. Woodgie2

    How to change the computer name used for sharing?

    I'm pretty sure it's DNS then. What name are you trying to give it and what is the name you're getting? What's your network setup? Office LAN, Cable/DSL? Do you get your address via DHCP or is it statically set? As much information as you can give me about your network will help a lot.
  14. Woodgie2

    How do I get the latest Hardware Test version?

    I'm so glad I had that pause for thought before I clicked submit!
  15. Woodgie2

    How to change the computer name used for sharing?

    I edited when I re read your first post again. :o
  16. Woodgie2

    Anybody know of a good app to keep address/phone numbers?

    Address book: It syncs with my SonyEricsson T610 sooooooo nicely :)
  17. Woodgie2

    How to change the computer name used for sharing?

    Open "System Preferences", click on "Sharing" and change the "Computer Name". You may have to click the padlock on the lower left to authenticate. If that doesn't work (as you say) then you may have DNS somewhere reslolving your IP address to another hostname. Contact your DNS admin to change...
  18. Woodgie2

    How do I get the latest Hardware Test version?

    Basically Apple's Hardware test CD is specific to the machine you got it on. For instance, one for a first generation G4 desktop won't work on a Powerbook G4. (It doesn't have a 'real' system on it, just enough to show the interface and run the tests.) The version number on the CD is only a...
  19. Woodgie2

    Starting Fink installed Gnome in Apple's X11

    Oh lordy! Another Fink problem, I have RTFM, what I could find that is, but I'm feeling old and blind... So just how DO you get gnome to start up under X11, I can get KDE to do it with this in my .xinitrc file: export KDEWM=/sw/bin/kwin <--No idea, something to do with initialising the KDE...
  20. Woodgie2

    X11/KDE/Gnome Accounting Packages?

    I don't suppose anyone could point me in the direction of a decent Open Source (read: 'Free'. 'Cos I'm cheap, you'll see the irony soon...) accounting package? I'm not really in need of anything as featureful as MYOB yet and would rather get a feel for the genre before splashing out cash. I'm...