How to change the computer name used for sharing?


I am running Panther and I want to change my host name or the computer name that comes before the domain name (ie I want to change the xxxx in // In Sharing under System Preferences, the name I want to use is listed in the Computer Name box at the top of the screen but it is different then the host name that is being used for file sharing. Where is the current host name coming from and where can I change it?

Open "System Preferences", click on "Sharing" and change the "Computer Name". You may have to click the padlock on the lower left to authenticate.

If that doesn't work (as you say) then you may have DNS somewhere reslolving your IP address to another hostname. Contact your DNS admin to change the CNAME and PTR records in the local DNS zone data.
I know how to change the name in the "Computer Name" box, but it doesn't match the name listed when I click on Personal File Sharing or Windows Sharing. When I click on either of those, at the bottom of the screen where it tells you "other Macintosh users can access your computer at afp://" it displays a different name then the one I typed in to the "Computer Name" box.
Okay. I removed all file sharing and successfully renamed the computer. I did this by editing the hostconfig file in /etc and changed HOSTNAME= from -AUTOMATIC- to the name that I wanted to use. However, when I restart file sharing it reverts back to the old hostname and I can't seem to locate where it's coming from. Any suggestions?
I'm pretty sure it's DNS then. What name are you trying to give it and what is the name you're getting? What's your network setup? Office LAN, Cable/DSL? Do you get your address via DHCP or is it statically set?

As much information as you can give me about your network will help a lot.
The name that I am trying to give it is asmmac029 and the name that I am getting is asmwks075. I am on an Office LAN. It is a Windows 2000-based Active Directory setup with static IPs. We have our own DNS servers and WINS servers. Let me know fi you need any more information.
I'd talk to your DNS admin, ask him to change the CNAME and PTR for your IP address. I have to say though, they will probably not be to keen to do that :)

Now for the crunch, how do you stop your computer from picking up the name from the DNS? Well I have to say, off the top of my head I don't know. However it would kind of defeat the whole purpose of DNS ;)

Hmmmmmm, how to solve this? Tricky...