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  1. edadams

    Missing tmp file on osx 10.4

    Mark Is your iBook on the same OS version as firewire mounted mac? If yes try running disk utility and repair permissions on that firewire mounted drive, that should repair the missing symbolic links- Hopefully that will work around...
  2. edadams

    Install printer from Apple Script

    Hi So once you apply that command with the correct options, IP etc can you see the printer in the System prefs area? Ed
  3. edadams

    Missing tmp file on osx 10.4

    Hi Mark Been out the whole day. Interesting, so if you enter 'cd Volumes/Untitled/Users/marknichol/ .Trash/' Then 'ls -la' Do you see a private folder in there or the symbolic link to var? Ed
  4. edadams

    Missing tmp file on osx 10.4

    Mark Great, sorry my bad I just realized that I missed one vital step at the start- Enter 'su' Enter password chosen earlier for root user Then try the 'mv var /' Should work now? Ed
  5. edadams

    Missing tmp file on osx 10.4

    HI Mark Sorry for the delay. Ok here we go. Open terminal and type - 'sudo passwd root' - this will enable the root user Enter your admin user password, choose a password for the root user and enter it twice. Enter- 'cd /Volumes/' Enter- 'ls -la' note the name of the firewire mounted...
  6. edadams

    iBook G4 1.33 Ghz - Boot Problem

    My guess would be a video or loose connection issue if the machine still responds when screen is black. If you have another mac handy, you can turn on one of the file/vnc sharing options to see if its available on network while black screen. Oh and greetings from across the ditch :) Ed
  7. edadams

    iCal Problems

    Mario Pm me with your email and I will send you a link to download a 10.5.6 iCal zip file to test. Ed
  8. edadams

    Multiple 24 imacs networked to 2 Large Format Printers -- help

    Phil Have you updated your drivers recently? Try download the latest ones here-
  9. edadams

    Multiple 24 imacs networked to 2 Large Format Printers -- help

    Hi Phil What happens when you choose the correct driver? Wireless networking will be very slow to print large format files. Do the printers have network ports? Can you get one ethernet cable from the existing network into your area? If yes then just acquire a semi decent switch and network...
  10. edadams

    Call Of Duty 2 1.3 Patch Volume Locked

    Open up your console application located in your Utilities folder, click on the system.log in the panel on the left and try the copy again. Watch for anything that mentions error or disk IO. Let us know if you find anything at the time of copy? Ed
  11. edadams

    iBook G4 1.33 Ghz - Boot Problem

    Ora, I asked if there was video before the blackout, not after.
  12. edadams

    iBook G4 1.33 Ghz - Boot Problem

    Hmmm, yes it does sound like a video/lcd problem if the machine is still going after the screen is black. If you hookup a external monitor to video port does it show anything before the 'blackout'? The external video should become live at some point in the boot process. Ed
  13. edadams

    Mail Signatures will not stay formated

    Ah yes the corporate life with Exchagne, Lotus and (shudder) Novell....
  14. edadams

    iCal Problems

    Mario, sorry my bad, I gave you the wrong path, its not in the App support folder its one level up in your Library. If the app is still performing badly then it could be the app itself, do you have access to another Mac with the same OS level that you can copy the iCal app from? g/re/p -...
  15. edadams

    Mail Signatures will not stay formated

    :) I have clients who email Microsoft, as they are a client of theirs they need the signature to look right on Outlook, bugger its a mission but I have cracked it. Ed
  16. edadams

    Mail Signatures will not stay formated

    Hi Yes that does work, but not to all mail clients. Do you have anyone that you email on a PC using Outlook? Outlook will show that jpg as an seperate attachment not an image on the bottom of your email text. That is why I had to do the procedure listed in that link above. Ed
  17. edadams

    iBook G4 1.33 Ghz - Boot Problem

    Hi When it goes to black screen can you hear the hard drive working or is the machine off? Does the caps lock key light up at this point? It sounds like a video problem to me, maybe another loose/broken wire? Ed
  18. edadams

    (sh: /etc/profile: is a directory)

    Hi If you want to re-install the system, hold down C key at boot to startup from CD. Or you could hold down option key, this will scan for all boot volumes and you can choose which one. Ed
  19. edadams

    powerbook g4 wont start up

    Hi On boot when you can barely see the apple logo, can you see it change to the desktop at some stage? Try pressing and holding down the brightness control to increase the screen brightness. I would remove the RAM for now and see if it improves the boot process. Ed
  20. edadams

    ISO timing out

    Hi Have you tried mounting the ISO's with disk utility? Its sounds like you are getting kernel panics, generally these mean a hardware (RAM) issue but I have seen it occur when file corruption occurs in the operating system. First thing to do is backup your files and format and re-install your...