Mail Signatures will not stay formated



I have OSX 10.5.6 with Mail Version 3.5, build 930.3. I have a multiple-line signature with the first two lines left-aligned and the rest centered. The problem is, some of the lines will not stay centered. I set them from the Format/Alignment menu and they change back as soon as I move from the signature tab in preferences. If I go to say, the General tab and back to the Signatures tab, it has changed back. Also, if I close the Preferences dialog and create a new email, it has reverted there, too.

This has become rather frustrating as everything else seems to be working beautifully. Any suggestions are gratefully acknowledged.
Thanks for the reply. I'll go straight to the URL you posted and see what I can do. Obviously, this is not a major problem, just an annoyance. I feel it is something that should work, though. At least I can't think of any reason why it shouldn't. :)
After reading all the instructions and actually starting that procedure, I had an idea. (I do get them and some are actually worth repeating ;) )

I thought, "Why couldn't I do the entire thing as a .jpg file and just paste that into the signature block in preferences?"

So, I opened up my picture file in Gimp, used the text tool to enter the text, positioned things the way I wanted, and then merged the layers down into one layer. Then saved as a .jpg file, and copied all.

I then opened the Mail preferences/signatures, and created a new signature. I pasted my copied .jpg into the window and voila! a new, formatted signature.

I tried starting a New Message in Mail and there it was! Oh, frabjous joy, a success.


  • SigFile.jpg
    22 KB · Views: 4
Yes that does work, but not to all mail clients. Do you have anyone that you email on a PC using Outlook? Outlook will show that jpg as an seperate attachment not an image on the bottom of your email text. That is why I had to do the procedure listed in that link above.
Do you mean there are people still actually USING Outlook? The things you tell me. I am astonished! :D

So the problem with this would be?

From the above, you might suspect that I do not care about people using Outlook. Nothing could be further from the truth. I support every effort to get them the help and they need to lead them into the paths of true computing righteousness. I am sure that, with a little therapy, education, and patience, they will all be just fine. :)
I have clients who email Microsoft, as they are a client of theirs they need the signature to look right on Outlook, bugger its a mission but I have cracked it.
Yes, there are people who are forced to use the @$#% outlook at work. Corporate life...