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  1. L


    What do you mean by reset? If you mean set it back to how you had it before the re-install, then add the widgits you were using (which you should of backed up) to User>Library>widgits and copy the file to User>Library>Preferences that should do it for you.
  2. L

    Changing open firmare and Dvorak

    I'm not sure if this should be here really, but I couldn't see a forum for open firmware. I was wondering if it's possible to set the firmware keyboard layout to Dvorak. I set it to that as the standard when I installed Tiger but things like if I want to reset open firmare i still have to...
  3. L

    The most pointless key of the keyboard?

    num lock on the standard keyboard (not laptops)
  4. L

    Widget position conflict on MBP w/ cinema display

    There is a widgit called MultiDash which can be found at* This will allow you to configure different dashboards, so you could have one for at home and another for when you're on the move. P.S. I cant figure out how to get the...
  5. L

    Mac won't load certain internet pages

    What website cant you view, could we have a link please?
  6. L

    Icon on desktop

    does it stay there if you log in and out? it looks like it's from a currupt dock display. you could just try changing your dock position then putting it back again
  7. L

    vcards from emac

    Because Microsoft is useless? Try doing the improt with multiple vcards (e.g. export only a few of the addresses at a time) Also, is there any common theme with the one's which wont import?
  8. L

    MSN alternative that connects under proxy

    If you want to minimize a window, click the - button (orange).
  9. L

    MSN alternative that connects under proxy

    I would of suggested aMSN but you said that, that runs slow. Seems a bit odd. I run that on my 1.33GHz iBook admittedly it is quite slow, but it doesn't slow anything else down, and only runs slowly when I have webcam convos going. How much RAM do you have?
  10. L

    Help me watch T.V.

    They do quite a few different ones. I'd say that they're your best bet to get TV on your mac and they integrate wonderfully with an online TV schedule, meaning that you can easily set it up to record programs.
  11. L

    my Mac G5 froze

    This does still happen on macs, just not as much. The complexity of modern Operating Systems makes it all but impossible to build an entirely stable System. Plus when you take into account Hardware errors, crashes are going to happen. It's just damage limitation.
  12. L

    Can't click desktop icons or use Dock

    Considering he spoke abotu Dashboard not working properly, it's going to be 10.4.x
  13. L


    I think since the iMac, Apple have just realised that people have associated i... with good design and ease of use. So have continued this idea.
  14. L

    Help me watch T.V.

    EyeTVs are great, the ability to use your mac as a HD recorder is so useful.
  15. L

    Can't click desktop icons or use Dock

    I cant think of anything else that might be causing it at the moment. The only thing I can think of is a reinstall, but someone else might have another idea. I'm too tired, need to go sleep lol. Sorry I couldn't be of any more help.
  16. L

    Can't click desktop icons or use Dock

    Well I'm guessing that that means that something is stopping the dock from launching. Have you checked your disk permissions? Installed any 3rd party software recently? particulary anything which might have an effect on the dock?*
  17. L

    Can't click desktop icons or use Dock

    Nope it's just called Dock. That could be your problem there. Try going HD>System>Library>CoreServices>Dock and opening that one.
  18. L

    Can't click desktop icons or use Dock

    Is dock running there? threads are wierd, I kinda half learnt about them in computing A-level, it's a way of processes sharing RAM resources (or something like that)
  19. L

    Can't click desktop icons or use Dock

    Oh. What about if you open Activity monitor? Can you see either of those 2 activities in there?
  20. L

    Can't click desktop icons or use Dock

    It's odd because the desktop is a different process from the Dock/Dashboard (not sure about exposé) You could try to open terminal and type*killall Dock to reset that process Or killall Finder To reset the desktop etc.