MSN alternative that connects under proxy


Hey everyone. I know that there have been a lot of threads about this, but this is kinda special case.
I need some good instant messenger, as a substitute for msn 6.0.1 since I constantly get an error saying " incorrect user name or password ", and since yesterday, it won't let me run version 5.1.1 ( i get another message saying " you must install the latest msn version in order to use the service " or something like that )
I know that many people prefer adium, I like it too, but I can't get it to connect since I am under a proxy ( living in university residence ), and get either a " writing error (?!), either error saying that the ports for aduim are blocked by the proxy ( and I set the proxy setting fine... ) Also, Fire won't run under proxy either..
The only thing I can run so far is aMSN, but that is killing my 13'' MacBook, making everything to run slow... which is very annoying.

Please somebody help, i need the MSN thingy to work!
I would of suggested aMSN but you said that, that runs slow.

Seems a bit odd. I run that on my 1.33GHz iBook admittedly it is quite slow, but it doesn't slow anything else down, and only runs slowly when I have webcam convos going. How much RAM do you have?

The latest version of aMsn is a real improvement! It works a lot better ( faster ), and I don't get any problems connecting! But I am kinda bothered by the thing when you press the x button on the top left corner, the app closes instead of minimizing. Is there a way of solving this ( I looked at the preferences, but maybe I've skipped something... )

But thanx a lot for this anyway, it really solves the problem, or at least for now!