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    iPhoto Doesn't Recognize CDs

    Greetings, Supposedly, iPhoto should recognize a photo CD in its source list. Mine doesn't. As usual I must wonder if I'm doing something wrong, or if there is a flaw in the OS. Any thoughts from the wise ones out there? As always, your advice is appreciated. Sincerely, Sparrowhawk
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    Mail Irregularities and Deletions

    Hi Kees, This was my thought as well, i.e., a defective mouse. Apple is now sending a new rodent to me. However, if anyone has alternative ideas, I'd be happy to hear them. Thank you all. Sparrowhawk
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    Mail Irregularities and Deletions

    Greetings, An additional curious behavior of Mail is clicking on a message. Sometimes, not consistently, the message appears as a new window, not just in the regular display for messages.
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    Mail Irregularities and Deletions

    Greetings, Mail is acting oddly. When I delete a message, Mail deletes not only the selected message, but the unselected message or messages above the queue. Is there a set of plists that I can safely delete or some other safe option to restore the Mail program to function normally? I have an...
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    Keyboard Recommendations?

    Thanks for the information, Delta. I did see the Cherry switch keyboard, but was confused about its function. I think I have enough information now to make a reasoned decision about purchasing this keyboard. (At least I won't have to explain the silly looking Googolboard--but ah, how the old...
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    Keyboard Recommendations?

    In searching out possible substitutions for the eMac's standard keyboard, I came across the so-called Googolboard. It's designed for kids, with clumsy fingers and a minimum of extra keys like a number pad. As a big person with clumsy fingers and primarily interested in the eMac as a word...
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    Consolidoting Canon Scans

    Greetings, I use a CanonScan 8400 F with my eMac. My problem is infuriatingly simple: When I make a scan, unless I name it and go through the routine of placing it in iPhoto, when I save a scan it vanishes into some unknown file identified by number only. (Like 2000, or Thumbnail.) Is there a...
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    The Macintosh Is Dead

    I suppose I should make my point clearer, with my apologies. Some of us do not like LCDs. They fade out unless you are looking straight on at them, and environmentally they seem to use up more mercury than other screens. And amazingly, there still doesn't seem to be a comprehensive recycle...
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    The Macintosh Is Dead

    Thank for the Spotlight link, Mikuro. The plug in worked like a charm. (I accidentally thanked someone else, but I'm sure he would have provided the link if he knew/thought of it. BTW, does anyone remember when Apple sued E-Machines when they tried to integrate a CRT with their computer? Apple...
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    The Macintosh Is Dead

    Gee, Mr. Me, we love you too. Thanks for your more reasoned response, Mikuro, I will look into it. Mr. M, some of us don't want a cinema screen, but prefer a working tool, not something we wrap our lives around.
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    The Macintosh Is Dead

    To a degree, and probably for different reasons, I have to agree. To an ordinary user, the Mac's great advantage was a single machine integrating monitor with computer. But the eMac is now officially dead--fortunately I got one before it was discontinued. But Tiger has no significant advantage...
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    Keyboard Recommendations?

    Greetings All, I have the standard eMac (unfortunately discontinued--I don't like LCDs) with the standard large footprint keyboard. I'm a writer: I'm just interested in a key board with the two USB ports, and usual functions, more interested in how well the keyboard works for a writer, not an...
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    best way to back up

    Bob, I downloaded Chronosync, but has far as I've gone with it, it seems to refer to synchonization. In this context of backing up, I'm not sure what this means in terms of backing up to disk, since there is no documentation. Can you elaborate on what exactly all this means?
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    best way to back up

    How well does .Mac's Backup program work? Unfortunately, I didn't know about this program until my free subscription ran out, so I wasn't able to download this program. Is there a generous soul out there who would be so kind to download this program for me? My email, should any care to do so, is...
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    How to Print Multiple Photos on Single Sheet

    Greetings All, Thank you for all the helpful advice; you've very adequately solved my problem in various ways. The simpliest approach, naturally, [I]would[U] be something simple like cmnd-click; I was using control-click to attempt multiple selections. In any event, again thanks, and don't...
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    How to Print Multiple Photos on Single Sheet

    Thanks, McDuff. That approach does indeed work (although there doesn't seem to be an option for custom resizing: you have to use pre-sets), but in addition, I was wondering how to print different photos or scans on a single page, much like digital photo programs that come with digital cameras...
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    How to Print Multiple Photos on Single Sheet

    Hello All, I tried posting this topic earlier, but it does not seem to have appeared. Anyway, how does one print several photos (scaled down) on a single sheet of photo paper, and for that matter how does one scale down an image? I should point out most of my iPhoto's are scanned images from a...
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    Open Comments About Entourage?

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    Shreding Files?

    Hello Mac Users: Is there a way or a program that will completely shred deleted documents (either from the web or simply emails and documents that I want to destroy forever)? Most shedding programs seem dedicating to internet acitivity, and I'm looking for a shedder that will erase all...
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    HOWTO: Speed up wired internet connection

    Can you clarify this a bit? Is this for speeding up a dial up modem, or for DSL?