Search results

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    Poll: What UNIX shell do you use?

    i installed bash from binary and i like it very much. i haven't done much shell scripting with it yet other than my .bashrc .. any cool bash prompts??
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    httpd from system prefs (fink installs)

    hi guys. i've been getting a lot of help on archived topics here on this forum, and i've gotten through installing and configuring mysql, apache, and php. i installed and used the fink package handler for the apache and php part (though i still can't get it to work from bash -- had to change...
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    mysql user

    check out search for osx and read their description on how to create the mysql user in the article about .. here ... it's not working right now, but this is the link i think: which...
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    Book or Website ?? For Commands??

    get the oreilly (sp?) book, "unix in a nutshell." very informative with a long list of commands with descriptions on how to use them. it also goes over many of the unix text editors like emacs and vi. but nothing is as helpfull as the man pages for commands. ..
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    talk sessions

    that's what i was looking for. thanks.
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    talk sessions

    hello. my roomate and i (both running os x.1 on G4's) both have terminal sessions going on his computer. (he gave me a shell account) for grins i decided to try and initiate a talk session with him [localhost:~] andy% finger Login Name Tty Idle Login Time Office...