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  1. rastermon

    OS X 10.3.6 won't mount USB Drive

    I was just about to ask - How can I reformat it when it won't even show up as a drive?... but then I rebooted with the flash drive inserted, and it then mounted! go figure. Rastermon
  2. rastermon

    OS X 10.3.6 won't mount USB Drive

    I updated to 10.3.6 yesterday (from 10.3.4 I think) And now my USB thumb drive - flash card whatever you call it - won't mount now. Used to be I just pop it in and it mounted. Is there a utility or driver or anything I need? Some more info - I took the same USB drive home and it mounted fine on...
  3. rastermon

    High Dynamic Range Images in OS X

    Thanks, glad you enjoyed it
  4. rastermon

    High Dynamic Range Images in OS X

    I use Greg Ward's Photosphere - it opens Radiance .pic and .hdr files, exports as jpeg, tiff, LogLuv, and can create hdr's from a series of images http://www.anyhere.comPhotosphere I've been using Radiance for about 18 months, and use Photosphere every day. Rastermon
  5. rastermon

    iMovie to PC movie formats?

    Thanks for the tip... I also had to DL the DivX codec for the PC - then all worked fine. Compressed very well - from 360MB as DV to 14 meg AVI Rastermon
  6. rastermon

    iMovie to PC movie formats?

    The iMovie project I'm working on has imported Dv, 3D rendered QT and audio. I need to get my 640 x 480 animation to a PC... covering my bases, I exported as Full qual DV, Quicktime with MPEG4 codec (does that make it an mpeg movie?) Cinepak with Mpeg4 codec for audio When I try to...
  7. rastermon

    Panther and WINS Servers

    Me again-- I had to set up sharing - doh! Most of my probs are solved now - I think I need to get an MIS person to give me access to the PCs I saw before Rastermon
  8. rastermon

    Panther and WINS Servers

    Just installed Panther today - but having problems networking to the windows world. I was using Dave with 10.1.5 - do I need to totally get rid of this? I did an uninstall of Dave, but got an error saying some of the items moved or were in use. ( I did this after installing Panther) I can...
  9. rastermon

    Printing problems with Quark 3.1 and freehand 3.1! Please Help!!!

    Also try saving it to a PDF - I think FH 3 has that as an export option. If that does not print well, then perhaps its not a PostScipt issue. (I don't believe PDF uses postscript)
  10. rastermon

    Printing problems with Quark 3.1 and freehand 3.1! Please Help!!!

    Is it a Postscript printer? That sounds like what happened to me when printing to a non PostScript printer.
  11. rastermon

    Hard Drive Icon Striped?

    OS 10.1.5 G4 933 1 Gig RAM 80 Gig HD NVidia GForce4MX
  12. rastermon

    Hard Drive Icon Striped?

    Yes, I had just Repaired Permissions I'm using 10.1.5 - so I used a Repair Permissions App.
  13. rastermon

    Hard Drive Icon Striped?

    Occasionaly, my HD icon get striped Is that just a display bug, or is there any meaning beind it? No, I don't have it set as a striped RAID. Thanks Rastermon
  14. rastermon

    X11 in OS 10.1.5

    I'm looking for a version of X11 that wil run in Pre-Jaguar OSX. The current version requires Jaguar. Any links?