Search results

  1. markpatterson

    How to set up a CVS server on my own machine?

    Hi, I want to use my emac to do version control both for work done on that machine, and for a windows machine on my home-office LAN. I found this page on the web: and followed it pretty well to the letter. But at the cvs init...
  2. markpatterson

    What's wrong with elsif in BASH?

    Thanks for that. I tried out elif and it worked. I told the author of the tutorial and he acknowledged the error. Here's the full script, now that it seems to work perfectly is as follows. It needs to be run as root: i.e. do sudo bash first. I have added to $PATH in my ~/.bash_profile the...
  3. markpatterson

    What's wrong with elsif in BASH?

    Hi, I was trying to write a bash script taking the argument start or stop. I read up at this tutorial and it appears there is an elsif, but it doesn't work for me. I have had to do separate if statements. Here is (most of) the...
  4. markpatterson

    New emac blurry, makes my eyes water

    Thanks for your replies. What I've done is increase to maximum the font size below which font smoothing is turned off. It makes the default font in look bad, so I changed it to Lucida Grande. The blurry effect making my eyes water is reduced. This site for example now has characters...
  5. markpatterson

    New emac blurry, makes my eyes water

    Hi, I've just acquired a new emac, hoping to use it for iMovie and xcode. But I find that it is hard to stare at. My wife's 2 year old ibook (when it's booting) is a joy to read from, but this new one is giving me a headache, literally. It seems to be something to do with the font...
  6. markpatterson

    How do you know the API used?

    I'm often curious about whether a program I'm running was written in Cocoa or Carbon or Java. Is there a way to find that out from the installed app?
  7. markpatterson

    How do I make wget available everywhere?

    I used emaces and added that line (PATH="${PATH}:/usr/local/bin") to ~/.profile. Now wget is accessible from terminal. Thanks for the help. I tried out pico as well. It look easier to get into than emacs.
  8. markpatterson

    How do I make wget available everywhere?

    OK. I think in fact the file I need to edit is .profile. The other 2 weren't there. I'm in 10.3, using bash. What editor would you recommend? I'm not familiar with vim.
  9. markpatterson

    How do I make wget available everywhere?

    I want to write a shell script to download updates, using wget, which at present is in usr/local/bin. How do I get that directory on the equivalent of the DOS path (what is that in BSD?) Or should I move wget to another directory? TIA, Mark
  10. markpatterson

    Nightly Camino

    But that's a feature in Firefox that really like. I don't like having to scroll around, but it's nice to be able to see the detail. Why don't you like it?
  11. markpatterson

    Nightly Camino

    There is another feature than speed that I appreciate in Camino: you can move a tab to a new window. This is useful if you want to go through a number of magazine sites, and find that one of them has lots of interesting articles. You can at first open all the magazines in tabs, then pull one...
  12. markpatterson

    Suddenly can't copy to Applications folder

    Thanks for your help guys. I guessed that maybe the group was supposed to be Admin, but I didn't see the Admin group at first. I had to reboot just now since Safari was acting unstable, and now the group is Admin, with Read Write access.
  13. markpatterson

    Suddenly can't copy to Applications folder

    Hi, I did my weekly download of Camino and Mozilla (I use Mozilla for Composer). I normally just drag the icon in the virtual drive mounted on the desktop onto the Applications logo in the toolbar at the top of the finder window, and I'm greeted with a Replace dialog, and then a progress bar...
  14. markpatterson

    Nightly Camino

    The Gecko browsers have a few things over the KHTML ones. They seem to do Unicode better, at least a few sites give that impression. You can search for text over tag boundaries, which Safari doesn't do. And Camino has a great feature of moving a tab to a new window. I'm stuck at work where I use...
  15. markpatterson

    What's happened to Camino?

    thanx! that's fine. amazing, how small the Camino team seems to be
  16. markpatterson

    What's happened to Camino?

    I normally get the latest Camino once a week, but for the last few days the download of the nightly build at has been timing out. And there's no news about it at that site. Does anyone have any inside info on this? I hope Camino isn't dying from neglect. There are still things...
  17. markpatterson

    XP machine can't use Airport

    Ah, this is embarassing, but I don't know how it happened: networking was switched off. I just had to restart it with the control panel, and it was back to normal. It wasn't the airport's fault. ;)
  18. markpatterson

    XP machine can't use Airport

    Hi, I've got an airport, pre-extreme, that has been working away happily for over a year now, hasn't played up. We have an ibook wirelessly connected to it and I recently bought a machine to run XP and Linux, that is connected to the airport by ethernet cable. XP picked up the internet...
  19. markpatterson

    How do you change the newsreader and ftp apps?

    Thanks, PhatCactus, i've installed More Internet in /Library/PreferencesPanes, removed or preplaced MS IE, (nothing personal against the authors of IE) and Outlook, and I feel much more in control of my system. :)
  20. markpatterson

    How do you change the newsreader and ftp apps?

    Hi, I have noticed that when I click on an fpt link in Safari it brings up Camino. I'm sure Safari can handle ftp. Just now I was running BBEdit Lite, and dropped down its world-icon menu, and noticed that it lists apps launched to handle various protocol. In System Prefences, the Internet...