Suddenly can't copy to Applications folder


Hi, I did my weekly download of Camino and Mozilla (I use Mozilla for Composer). I normally just drag the icon in the virtual drive mounted on the desktop onto the Applications logo in the toolbar at the top of the finder window, and I'm greeted with a Replace dialog, and then a progress bar. This wasn't happening. Then I tried dragging it onto the desktop and that worked. Then I tried dragging it onto the Applications folder in the main part of a finder window, and got the no-go logo: circle with diagonal. So I checked the permissions using cmd-I to get the Info window. This had
Owner: system. Access: Read/Write
Group: Wheel. Access: Read only

I don't know if I have access to files owned by "system" as an Admin logon, and I'm not sure what "wheel" means. I changed Owner to me, did the copies, and then changed owner back to system.

Can anyone tell me what is going wrong here?
Repair Permissions should take care of it, reboot after that process is complete.
The proper Owner of the Applications folder is System, with Read & Write access.
Also, on my system, the group for the Applications folder is Admin, with Read & Write access.
Thanks for your help guys. I guessed that maybe the group was supposed to be Admin, but I didn't see the Admin group at first. I had to reboot just now since Safari was acting unstable, and now the group is Admin, with Read Write access.