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  1. C

    G5 next generation schedule?....

    i just talk to Apple store the new apple g5 3ght computer Will not be out untill 2 ght computer has atlest 1 year out on the market..
  2. C

    10.3 - whats included...

    Cool Looks Good.
  3. C

    Safari Browers Rocks

    Sorry Iam From a small town in In Ireland.. Sorry for the Bad spelling... i Just moved to Ca.. Thank you for putting up with me ....
  4. C

    Safari Browers Rocks

    For the last Few Days i Been Testing Safari and i Think I Love it ... the bad Thing is i Dose not Support Qt..WMP..Or RealPlayer.. But it Dose Down Load everthing to you desktop ... I Wont to Know if anyone Is Liking this New Browers.. I Give it :) :) :) :) out of 5