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  1. J

    error - broken pipe

    I may not be making myself totally clear here, so let me try again. If someone puts up a link to a .dmg file on a website where the .dmg file is stuffed, gzipped, or encoded (that's the only situation I'm talking about), clicking on the link will cause the browser to download the file and then...
  2. J

    Desktop not loading at all

    Have you tried booting up in safe mode by rebooting and holding down the shift key until you see the Apple logo?
  3. J

    error - broken pipe

    I don't think you can necessarily draw that absolute a conclusion, especially in situations where the downloaded image file is stuffed/tarred/gzipped; in such situations when I've encountered a mount failure with a "broken pipe" error, downloading the newest version of Stuffit Expander fixed the...
  4. J

    error - broken pipe

    You might try downloading a new copy of Stuffit Expander. I seem to remember running into this problem with an old version. I'm not exactly sure why the image mounter would be talking to Stuffit when the image file has already been decompressed, but give that a try.
  5. J

    Not connecting to network w/ Safari/IE. Fox works fine.

    Why is IE trying to contact That's likely the address of your router; is that what you have set up to be your home page? One thing I'd try is to use the "Reset Safari" option (available from the "Safari" menu), which will clear out your cache files. Sometimes corrupt cache files...
  6. J

    Not connecting to network w/ Safari/IE. Fox works fine.

    So what exactly happens? What does the status bar at the bottom say? (you may have to unhide the status bar for Safari).
  7. J

    Intermittent SMTP send failure with Mail.App?

    Hey folks, I help out some people who use Mail.App in 10.3.9, and they have this problem where Mail.App will sporadically fail to send out messages with an SMTP error (and if the user has a 2nd account set up, Mail.App will offer to send the message through the 2nd account's SMTP server). If...
  8. J

    Browsers take forever to load pages.

    One important question is what you see in the status bar at the time it's trying to load (the status bar is visible in Firefox at the bottom left by default; in Safari you have to unhide it in the View menu). Does it say "looking up host xxxx", "connecting to host xxx", or "host contacted...
  9. J

    disappearing cursor

    In that case, have you tried shutting down, disconnecting the Wacom Tablet, rebooting, and using the trackpad instead to see if the problem is still there?
  10. J

    disappearing cursor

    When you say the "cursor", do you mean the blinking line that shows where you've been typing, or the mouse pointer? Sometimes people use "cursor" and "pointer" interchangeably, but the "cursor" is really the blinking line and the "pointer" is the arrow. If you really mean the cursor, does the...
  11. J

    Where should be all the Fonts to reside?

    I had always thought the best way to install fonts was to use Font Book (in the Applications folder) to do the install, rather than manually copying them into font folders. And Font Book can tell you the file path to all your installed fonts if you click on one within Font Book and do Get Info.
  12. J

    Troublesome restart requests!

    In addition to the suggestions fryke mentioned (disconnecting peripheral devices, removing/reseating RAM chips), I would also look to see what apps are starting up at login, which you can see in part by going to the "Accounts" system preference and looking at the "Login Items" tab. If there are...
  13. J

    Quick "File sharing to OS 9" question

    Hello all, I've noticed an occasional problem when I set up file sharing between an OS X and OS 9 machine. Specifically, when going to the Chooser in OS 9, the OS machine doesn't show up in the list as available for file sharing, but I'm able to connect to it by using the "specify IP...
  14. J

    problem w/ mac help

    This problem can also be caused by corrupt Help cache files in ~/Library/Caches. The problem is so persistent that someone wrote a "HelpViewer Clear Cache Utility" in Applescript to deal with it. It's also covered here in Apple's KB:
  15. J

    odd internal display behaviour upon waking from sleep

    Hello all, I'm dealing with a PowerBook G4 running OS X 10.4.3, and it's connected at times to an external monitor. When waking from sleep, sometimes the external monitor comes back on but the internal monitor doesn't, even after a reboot! Only disconnecting the external monitor and rebooting...
  16. J

    Classic environment memory leak after sleep?

    Ever since installing Tiger, I've noticed that if Classic is running when I put my laptop to sleep, it chews up about 75-80% of available CPU cycles after waking from sleep. I was hoping that this was a bug that Apple would fix with the 10.4.3 upgrade, but it persists. Have others seen this...
  17. J

    image file size oddness in Tiger

    Hello all, I've run into some oddness with file sizes of graphics in OS X 10.4.3 that I thought some others may have seen. The drive is formatted as HFS+ (just to avoid any thought of it being a minimum block size issue). I don't recall seeing this problem with OS X 10.2.8. So I have an...