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  1. D

    Cable Modem- Macs Slow, PC Fast

    zaxcom, were you able to speed test both modems under a different OS (windows or linux for example) to rule out a flaw in the new Ambit modem.
  2. D

    Cable Modem- Macs Slow, PC Fast

    I am on Shaw Cable in Western Canada, therefore it fixes other systems too. I wish Apple would have made it clearer in the release... like say something such as a fix for performance issues on some DOCSIS modems. I have a Motorola DOCSIS modem and Shaw Extreme (10Mbps/1Mbps)
  3. D

    Cable Modem- Macs Slow, PC Fast

    Hooray! OSX update 10.4.8 fixed this problem! Here is my speedtest on speakeasy just after the update using Firefox... Download Speed: 9538 kbps (1192.3 KB/sec transfer rate) Upload Speed: 939 kbps (117.4 KB/sec transfer rate) I also got similar results with Safari!
  4. D

    Cable Modem- Macs Slow, PC Fast

    I tried that delayed ack to 0 and it didn't make any difference!
  5. D

    Cable Modem- Macs Slow, PC Fast

    So could one just do this ? ... sudo sysctl -w net.inet.tcp.delayed_ack=0 I am going to try at lunch, will report back!
  6. D

    Cable Modem- Macs Slow, PC Fast

    MisterMe, I tried VirtualPC again and I am getting those real goofy high transfer speeds. I then tried to download a large file using Internet Explorer within an XP session in VirtualPC and I timed it with an external clock - a 40.9 MB file took 2 minutes and 15 seconds even though the transfer...
  7. D

    Cable Modem- Macs Slow, PC Fast

    Your test seems fine under OS X. The VirtualPC test does not explain my problem because I am using a real PC to compare. (FYI, I also ran the speedtests in VirtualPC on my Mac and got slower than expected results - less than 2mbps). I initially thought it was due to Flash being slow on OSX...
  8. D

    Cable Modem- Macs Slow, PC Fast

    MisterMe, It is not an issue of accessing the Internet. I can access the internet fine. The issue is a performance one - that with OS X the downstream speed is significantly slower than Windows XP or Linux. This is not noticeable in day to day browsing etc., nor are there any...
  9. D

    Cable Modem- Macs Slow, PC Fast

    MisterMe... maybe it is not something Apple will fix, but it is definitely isolated to OS X. This problem we are all having occurs when upgraded to faster DOCSIS modems. I have Shaw Extreme which is 7Mbps down and 1Mbps up We are all connecting via ethernet as far as I know. (At least I am). I...
  10. D

    Cable Modem- Macs Slow, PC Fast

    I wouldn't really say that the problem is solved. I have no option to change modems. This seems real strange to me... I think something that Apple should fix. It is definitely not a hardware issue - I heard that this slowdown problem also occurs on x86 hardware, but WinXP/Linux on exact same...
  11. D

    Cable internet -Mac vs. PC

    I have this exact same problem! I have been searching around and finally someone else that this is happening to! I just upgraded to Shaw Extreme which is 7Mbps down and 1Mbps up. With my Windows XP machine on same network as OS X I get in the range of 6500kbps up and 930kbps down using...