Search results

  1. fryke

    Which used iMac?

    I'd get the 21.5" model. Even though the 24" model has the better graphics, overall the newer iMac will be the better machine, I think.
  2. fryke

    Lion thoughts

    Scale, maybe? Apple hadn't always had their own massive data centers around the world, yet their websites needed to be available to millions of hits an hour, let's say, when everyone expected news about a new iMac or something. I'm sure at a certain point it simply made sense to use akamai etc.
  3. fryke

    Mirrored displays, MacBook display stays black

    As far as I remember, that is a feature, not a bug, although this answer probably doesn't help you very much. Some people tend to want to only use one display at a time, but their notebook gets quite hot after a while when it stays in its closed state while running. This way, they can open the...
  4. fryke

    Make Google Chrome Even Faster - Is There an App/Add-on for That?

    Do you REALLY feel that Chrome is slow, or is it simply that you thought you SAW that some app claimed it would make it faster that you now seem to require such a gem? ;) Personally, I haven't found a browsing experience to be slow in the past few years (years!) unless it was slow because of the...
  5. fryke

    Lion thoughts

    While the packaging and installation of Mac OS X Server Lion is quite a bit different from the Snow Leopard version, it still comes with more features, not less. I don't think they're moving away from the Server OS, they just noticed that they can do two things: A) If Lion (Consumer) is the...
  6. fryke

    Leopard on a G4 Powerbook??

    Hm. Not only is your answer probably too late for most users, and I think most users would agree that your 12" should run Leopard just fine, theoretically. Also, the benefits can be quite large: Want to use a newer iPod or iPhone or an iPad? Leopard's a requirement for newer versions of iTunes...
  7. fryke

    Anyone Have An Older MacBook Air?

    I own both the oldest MBA and the current 11" model. Worlds apart. I mean: They're both extremely slim and light, but the older one had a lot of quirks. Never really good for watching high res video full screen (the fans would start blasting and CPU usage would go to 100% right away) plus the...
  8. fryke

    I Want a Good Aquarium Widget that's NOT a CPU Hog!

    If you want the most out of your MacBook Air, you don't install anything that you won't really need. No Flash, no aquaria etc. ;) Result: Battery life.
  9. fryke

    MacBook Airs Run Much Cooler Others?

    Unless you install and use Flash, that is. ;)
  10. fryke

    Safari window fonts in Snow Leopard

    Worst case scenario: Choose a smaller resolution. Other solution: Don't sit too far from your computer.
  11. fryke

    everything is so small on my new 27" iMac

    You can also draw the iMac a little closer. The size of the display probably automatically makes you sit further away than on your older computer, and at the same time, the resolution is higher, so everything's a bit smaller. Move closer to the display. Problem solved.
  12. fryke

    Apple software for tv

    You did _what_ exactly? You installed AppleTV software on an iPod? Or synched TV shows to your iPod?
  13. fryke


    Which could theoretically mean June (WWDC) until September. My guess: We'll hear a date at WWDC and it'll be out end of August. The betas look fine already and there's still some time until WWDC, but they're not really in high gear yet with releasing betas or final candidates.
  14. fryke

    How to route content through Apple TV?

    No need for that. It's the basic function of Apple TV 1 to be set up with a computer (it has to be synched, you can choose to sync automatically or select some stuff, but the streaming stays active, anyway...). Without synching, there's no streaming. That's the first step. Sounds to me like you...
  15. fryke

    Who has been the greatest frontman ever?

    Agreed. Freddie.
  16. fryke

    Toggle between 2 languages

    There's a menu on the upper right corner of your screen, showing a flag of the selected keyboard layout.
  17. fryke

    One quad-core vs. one 8-core (two quad-cores)

    You mean the 4 cylinder car with more horsepower than the 6 cylinder? ;) I think an evaluation is a process that _can_ include those lowly employees you're talking about. [/sarcasm]
  18. fryke

    System reqs for older Apple software

    With older (PowerPC) hardware, I'd go like this: If possible, run Mac OS X 10.5.8 with iLife '09, since that gives you the most access to newer applications, software support etc. If possible, max out the RAM. However: Don't spend more than 200 USD on hardware and OS software combined...
  19. fryke

    220 electricity with converter?

    AFAIK, there _are_ no countries with something like 130-190V. :) So that could explain this message.
  20. fryke

    Mac OSX Lion thoughts

    ... Or somewhere inbetween if you choose to go the Mac App Store route. They could sell the hardware disc for 99 USD, the download for 79 USD and a family version for 129 USD for example. I think they'll have a hard time going back to 129$ right now, even though Lion certainly makes more the...