MacBook Airs Run Much Cooler Others?


Mac Convert for Life
I hope y'all don't get tired of seeing my name around here! LOL Wow, I really missed this place and it's great to see some old faces. Anywho........ most of you already know by now (because I cannot shut up about it) that I have a MacBook Air now to replace my ancient, beloved iBook G4 (RIP :( ). Besides lovin' it top to bottom, edge to edge, one thing I have noticed is that it runs a LOT cooler than all the other Macs I have used. I use for hours on end and it barely even gets LUKEWARM. Is this because of the SSD? No moving parts = no reason for a cool-down fan? This is my guess........ I could be totally wrong. I am interested in hearing your feedback/reasons for this.
Thanks! :)
YES. The older spinning hard drives did create good heat. The SSD don't need to move and create that heat. Plus the latest Intel processors do run at better up to down periods (when not is heavy use as in just web surfing).
That's what I thought! Thanks for confirming, Satcomer. :)

Now Fryke, don't you go rubbin' your techie skills in. You KNOW not all of us ("us" meaning me LOL) can't do all that fancy stuff. :p ;)