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  1. fryke

    Verizon iPhone

    I guess that's a spammer..? He just quoted two messages from above, using a quote of mine as his own message..? :/
  2. fryke

    220 electricity with converter?

    Even the desktops are built this way. You simply need the right cable. NEVER use a converter with a Mac.
  3. fryke

    Getting "Start Up Disk is Almost Full" when I have 2.5 gigs left

    2.5 GB *is* almost nothing left for a system trying to use virtual memory (i.e. copying RAM to the harddrive) and backing up your iPhone etc. Get it to 10 GB or 20 GB again.
  4. fryke

    Can't open certain websites

    Generally, such filters are of course the first thing to check after making sure that no other kid-control software is active. The easiest way to check them: Turn them off completely for a test run. If the sites load, it's those filters. Similarly: Ad-blockers, firewall software and router...
  5. fryke

    Is the iPad a good PDF/eBook Reader?

    I like reading on mine, although recently I've often switched to the iPhone for that purpose. (Talking about ebooks, not PDFs, of course.) Now that I have my iPad 2, that'll get more attention again. I have a Sony Reader which I never use. The reading on it is very well done (like the Kindle)...
  6. fryke

    AirPort Utility on mac mini drives me mad

    Are all systems up-to-date on 10.6.6 or is one of the computers running an older version? Are all AirPort updates done to all computers and base stations? If you simply won't find out what causes the problem, starting from scratch might help you find a configuration that works: I.e. re-setup...
  7. fryke

    Painfully Slow Login

    I meant the menubar, not the Dock. Things like the clock on the menubar. CPU stats. StuffIt icon. The interesting parts are those that _don't_ come from Apple. They might slow things down at login time. A defective font could be the problem. The Finder prefs file can be deleted relatively...
  8. fryke

    Painfully Slow Login

    Prefs files basically only matter when the respective app wants to load. The only prefs file relevant here would be the Finder's. Have you got excessive numbers of menubar items? Or too many icons on the Desktop?
  9. fryke


    Should not be necessary as long as your admin account has a decent password nobody knows about. Also, as long as those services aren't turned on, the firewall is not required to block them. And before you block them while having them turned on, you should rather stop those services.
  10. fryke

    updating mac os for ibook g4

    I've no idea what exactly you mean by using "a apple store" for updating your iBook online. Also, there's no Mac OS version 3.2.1 for the iBook. Is it running Mac OS X 10.3.x, 10.4.x or 10.5.x? What exactly happens when you select "Software Update" from the Apple menu? If, say, you happen to...
  11. fryke

    Apple TV2 remote

    Well, you can set your iMac _not_ to react to any remotes, or you can bind the remote to the Apple TV, so it only works with the Apple TV. The former is solved in the Security preference pane on the iMac, the latter in Apple TVs preferences.
  12. fryke

    update 10.4 version to 10.5

    Plus I'd recommend not doing it unless it has at least 1 GB of RAM.
  13. fryke

    New Apple iPad (March 2011)

    With iOS 4.3, my iPhone will have WiFi hotspot functionality, so I could move to the WiFi model with the iPad 2, but as far as I know, that won't give you real GPS, and I hate to be hindered by something like that... :/ But if I'm never going to use the iPad's 3G, do I _really_ need GPS on the...
  14. fryke

    OS X 10.6 or OS X 10.5 ?

    (There never was a 10.5.9, and there never will be, 10.5.8 was the last update to 10.5.) People should simply learn to remember version numbers. If people come into our store talking about Tiger or Leopard or Snow Leopard, I always have to make sure they got what they really think they have. Too...
  15. fryke

    Is Apple overcharging non US customers?

    I'm pretty sure Apple can't be bothered with singular apps' prices. They won't go and create special rules about where a software is created: They have rules for the Mac App Store - and that's about it. You as a developer can define which price category an app is in, and that defines the price...
  16. fryke

    Boot SNOW leopard 10.6 Installer via DVD

    If your Snow Leopard disc tells you it can only be installed if 10.5 is present, then that disc came with a Mac that was produced _just_ before 10.6 came out but sold with an upgrade DVD. So it came with a Mac that had 10.5 preinstalled. This disc can therefore only be used with a Mac that has...
  17. fryke

    help - a hundred problems - prob 1: how to make alias?

    Also, if you're dragging the folder or file, it's holding down command and option (apple & alt key) that does the trick. Just holding down the option key would create a copy.
  18. fryke

    Who's to blame in Egypt?

    Yes. An army's always the best way to keep a democracy evolving. That was of course sarcasm, but I don't mean the army isn't important. I just think the most important thing about the army in an evolving democracy should be in the right place, not somehow _controlling_ "democracy".
  19. fryke

    Do you know the best data recovery software?

    I *knew* this was turning out to be a spam thread. I'm not sure, should we simply get rid of it or treat it as a real thread about recovery tools, merely deleting all the posts of newcomers that only come here to place ads, basically?
  20. fryke


    ... which would also be your best course of action, since newer software often requires 10.5, not 10.4... ;)