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  1. djackmac

    Changing password in Mac Mail

    Probably have to change these passwords also in your incoming and and outgoing mail server settings also.
  2. djackmac

    I accidentally my mac

    Should be fine unless some unseen files got deleted. May want to do a backup prior to reinstalling just to be safe. Why would you play around with that command in the first place?
  3. djackmac

    Need to reset color-depth of display...

    Try zapping PRAM. Should maybe bring it back to normal.
  4. djackmac

    My HDD is damaged, and my Macbook can not start up. YIKES

    Best thing to do is get the drive out of the machine. Put it in a dock/enclosure and slave the drive to you wifes machine. This is to keep the drive cool. By the way have a fan blwing on the drive also. Then get another drive with at least enough space to save all the data from that drive. Then...
  5. djackmac

    Help with Kernel Panics

    I'd say panics are more times than not hardware, but 95% is a stretch..The question I'd ask is are they at start-up or when during use. Also what activities if they happen during use.
  6. djackmac

    iMac Mid-2007 no longer powers-up.

    Lack of use can be even more detrimental to electronics than overuse. Probably just needs a power supply.
  7. djackmac

    cant transfer files to my hard drive

    How is the drive partitioned/formatted? Click on the Hd and click command + i. Under general there should be a heading named format describing how its formatted.
  8. djackmac

    Disk image not recognised

    Don't need to bother with the Seagate software. Just go to applications/utilities/disk utility and format it to Mac OS extended (journaled). The partitioning of the drive will be included as long as it is a new drive.
  9. djackmac

    iMAC G5

    No, they're all vintage now, so Apple just turns them away. Usually Apple sends them directly to us because we will work on them. But Apple isn't compensating anyone for logic board replacements anymore. It's either pay for a replacement or solder on new caps. My opinion is they are not worth...
  10. djackmac

    Imac won't boot up

    If you have an external HD, you might want to connect it to the machine. Then while in disk utility click on the internal drive then just above that select "new image". Point to save the image to your external HD. If it completes then you will have a complete image of you internal HD. After that...
  11. djackmac

    Keychain access? Remove it?

    This is common when forcing a password reset that unless you know your old password which is essentially the keychain password, that message will keep popping up. So you need to get rid of the old keychain. With newer versions of OSX (specifically 10.6.x) once you force reset your password then...
  12. djackmac

    Macbook pro, strange effect on headphone

    (Logic Board) Pretty much...Is it under Applecare? I guess you can try the usual resets like the SMC and PRAM but other than that...
  13. djackmac

    Macbook pro, strange effect on headphone

    If its one of the pre unibody Macbook Pros, its most likely the the left i/o board which serves as the sound board, magsafe charging board, and left usb port. Not a horribly expensive part (especially compared to a logic board) and relatively easy for an experienced Apple laptop technician to...
  14. djackmac

    Files recovery and repair

    Data Rescue 3 will separate files in categories like office docs, pdfs, images, audio, etc..So pick the appropriate application for the type of file. Its not a problem with Data Rescue. There is the chance that from the drive failing it could have corrupted the data.
  15. djackmac

    Browser keeps redirecting me to other stupid pages

    Yeah, it is possible. I'd do a soft reset on the router first. I've heard in some instances that's all that's needed. If that doesn't work then there is always the hard reset option.
  16. djackmac

    USB power on 2010 i7 17"?

    So if a powered usb hub is not good for traveling, then use the internal drive when traveling?
  17. djackmac

    hard drives and finder problem. Help ME!!

    Most likely a problem with the external HD. I'd try to zero the drive out to see how it behaves. Or else, depending on the manufacturer of the drive they may have a drive diagnostic utility on their website available for download to check the condition of the drive.
  18. djackmac

    Can I Buy Any SATA Drive To Use In A G5 PPC?

    Any 3.5" SATA drive will work. You have 2 drive bays in that machine so you can add a new drive in addition to the 160.
  19. djackmac

    problem loading images/opening windows - visual memory?

    How much RAM is actually installed in the machine? Do you ever periodically shut down or restart the computer?
  20. djackmac

    Screensaver interrupted

    Try zapping PRAM. Then go back and readjust/verify settings. Make sure "put hard disks to sleep when possible" is checked.