USB power on 2010 i7 17"?


New (to me) 2010 i7 17" Macbook pro 2.8Ghz
I have an external DVDr that needs extra power (2 usb connectors) to run. It is relatively new and worked fine on my Core Duo.
It does not seem to get enough power from 2 plugs on the same side of the new MBP. Are they all one bus? or is there actually a combination I can use to make it work?
Powered external hub is an option but not good for travel.
thanks in advance.
NO, it's not the internal drive. It is just the usb powered external drive. I am not getting a low power bus warning it just doesn't work on the MBP. When tested on another computer it works fine.
NO, it's not the internal drive. It is just the usb powered external drive. I am not getting a low power bus warning it just doesn't work on the MBP. When tested on another computer it works fine.

So if a powered usb hub is not good for traveling, then use the internal drive when traveling?
Then, you should look for another drive that doesn't need so much power - try a different brand. Would it be a good idea to look for a drive that is self-powered, and not bus-powered?

Or, try a longer "Y" to connect from the USB ports on both sides at once. You might be on to something about the two ports on one side may be sharing the same internal power.
Then, you should look for another drive that doesn't need so much power - try a different brand. Would it be a good idea to look for a drive that is self-powered, and not bus-powered?

Or, try a longer "Y" to connect from the USB ports on both sides at once. You might be on to something about the two ports on one side may be sharing the same internal power.

Thank you for your reply. The 2010 MBP has all ports on the same side, unlike my previous MBP. I did use an extension to get to both sides on the previous and it worked.
The question is...Are the 3 ports all using the same power bus?
I don't know the answer to that question about power distribution to the USB ports
Maybe djackmac will know that, and return here.

The important thing to note, is that you apparently are not getting enough power to that drive. If you have tried the Y adapter in all possible combinations (some Apple laptops may have more power available through one port, and a pair of ports in the right combination might work for you - or might not) and still no go - then the solution is to get more power to the drive:
External power adapter, if one is optional for your burner
Self-powered USB hub for that burner.
Another external burner that consumes less power.
Someone may offer other suggestions...

Or - wear out your internal burner, then replace it. If you expect that result, then you won't be surprised - OR - you may be happily surprised if your internal drive survives even your treatment.... :D
To reset the USB port on a Mac just Reset Your PRAM. This should help.

Now I will parrot others suggestions about using a self powered DVD drive. DVD drives use Huge about of power! On a portable just using USB power is now wise because portables use as little power as possible. Just getting a self powered USB hub should be just the ticket.

Besides, software on DVDs is shrinking fast. Now with Steam and the Mac app store you should be using DVDs a whole lot less, unless you are ripping dVD movies with Handbrake.