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  1. M

    Sharing out my 2 Mac Laptops across my home network

    What you are describing is exactly how Personal Sharing works. If you login to the PowerBook from your other computer via Go/Connect to Server..., then you will have the run of its file system.
  2. M

    Wine on PPC Mac

    If the Thompson-to-English translator that I bought is working properly, then you want to encapsulate Windows applications and their support files into OS X double-clickable applications. There are several things that you need to understand: WINE is a clone of a subset of Windows APIs. Those...
  3. M

    Wine on PPC Mac

    What are you talking about? Which files can you not "add, edit, or update"?
  4. M

    Renamed a folder, now 90% of it's content are GONE! Please help!

    From where I sit, this post is strong evidence that your problem was caused by user error. BTW, my own experience with Apple service has been nothing less than superb.
  5. M

    Renamed a folder, now 90% of it's content are GONE! Please help!

    Files don't disappear because you renamed the folder that holds them. It is possible that your hard drive is having issues. However, it sounds more like you inadvertently moved the files. If this is the case, the files are probably lingering elsewhere on your hard drive--perhaps in plain sight...
  6. M

    Best way to opgrade MACPRO OSX 10.4.11

    Periodic backups fall under the category of Best Practices having nothing to do with OS upgrades. Backing-up to an HFS+ (Journaled) FireWire external hard drive using the second most recent version of Carbon Copy Cloner will produce a bootable drive with all of your current files. A USB drive...
  7. M

    External Hard Drive (1 or 2TB) recommendations

    What's your argument in favor of the lower capacity drive?
  8. M

    Need to copy thousands of files...

    iPhoto stores its photograph files in the iPhoto Library bundle within your Pictures folder.
  9. M

    Safari 6 vs Firefox 14

    None at all.
  10. M

    Pages in Lion

    Only because of its association with the Word .doc extension. Quite frankly, you will have to look long and hard to find a reference to "doc" files that do not refer to Word files.
  11. M

    Pages in Lion

    The OP uses the phrase "pages doc." Pages files have the .pages extension, not the .doc extension. That extension belongs to Microsoft Word.
  12. M

    Pages in Lion

    You are frustrated because you are trying to use Pages inappropriately. Pages is not Word and does not support its formats natively. The Apple word processor includes conversion filters that allow it to open Word documents and to save them. This is not the same thing as native support and cannot...
  13. M

    Java SE7

  14. M

    Airport Extreme Connectivity Issues

    It is a violation of forum etiquette to double-post.
  15. M

    Best Netgear Router Configuration

    I have Cisco Linksys routers, not Netgear. However, the issue with non-Apple routers is reliability, not efficiency. The fact is that you are highly unlikely to saturate a Wireless-N or even a Wireless-G router. Generally when a router has throughput issues, it is because the router is going...
  16. M

    Water splash :(((

    Well, buddy, there is nothing more that we can do but to advise you to give the computer more time to dry. If after a couple of days it still refuses power on, then you will need to have the computer repaired.
  17. M

    Hard drive full on Mac laptop - suggestions please

    Question: Has the Trash been emptied?
  18. M

    TextPad or EditPlus alternative

    A Java app to run a script? It seems that you may be going all around Job's barn to do something that can be done much more efficiently by other means. Was the script written for Windows? Is the script applicable to the Mac? What does the script do? Have your tried a solution that was...
  19. M

    Display fades

    It would be one thing if you were new here. However, you have been a member of this forum for 4.5 years. Not knowing which area to post in is not an excuse. As a veteran, you know that threads started in the wrong area can be moved to the correct area if the admins so decide.