Best Netgear Router Configuration


Hey Guys,
I just moved into a new place with a new internet set up, and I am wondering about router configuration. It is a Netgear Wireless N-150 router and basically every device in the house connecting to it is an apple product. I know the best solution is just go get an aiport base station, and I am planning on doing that but in the mean time does anyone have any tips for setting this thing up to work most efficiently with everything. For instance I notice that my iPhone and iPad often forget the network and password resulting in me having to re-connect and enter in WPA pass. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

I have Cisco Linksys routers, not Netgear. However, the issue with non-Apple routers is reliability, not efficiency.

The fact is that you are highly unlikely to saturate a Wireless-N or even a Wireless-G router. Generally when a router has throughput issues, it is because the router is going bad, not that it is setup inefficiently. The fix is a new router. A better fix is to buy an Apple router in the first place.