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  1. bobw

    Changing my PDF default reader.

    Highlight a PDF. Get Info under the File Menu or Command-I Change the default there and click Change All.
  2. bobw

    Recommended ftp uploaders

    Take a look at some of the programs here and their ratings. I use Fetch.
  3. bobw

    Powerbook G4 firmware help.

    Why do you think you need to install Firmware? The last Firmware update for a PowerBook was for the 667MHz machine.
  4. bobw

    What do I need????

    D-Link, Netgear, Buffalo are all good routers that'll work fine for you. If you think you may be using wireless in the future, I would get a 4 port wireless router now. You don't have to use the wireless. Search through here for deals.
  5. bobw

    My iSight camera on my Macbook is really fuzzy

    If what Fryke said didn't help, take it to Apple.
  6. bobw

    Apple Certification

    You would have to become an Apple Certified Technician Not sure if you can bypass the training and just take the test now. When I took it, I could have just taken the test without buying the Training program. Don't know of any practice tests available other than in the training material.
  7. bobw

    ichat won't connect to msn

    To replace iChat, use the Tiger DVD. You can do a Custome install of k=just iChat. No need for Pacifisct. Read This for some help. and This.
  8. bobw

    The Restaurant Game: A Potential Threat?

    They are being recorded on their Servers as you play, not on your machine. Look in your Log files to see if it has a Log.
  9. bobw

    Integrated Shared Memory

    I doubt you can increase the memory as it's locked by Apple. You can search the net to see if anyone has come up with a hack.
  10. bobw

    iPhone 6pm June 29th Plans?

    Such a dilemma :) some poor sap - give him a cell and have him call you when he's about 3rd or 4th in line :)
  11. bobw

    Safari Crashes

    Works fine for me in new Safari 3.0. Interference Robustness won't affect the speed.
  12. bobw

    Safari Crashes

    Base station Interference Robustness, provides improved performance when 2.4GHz devices like cordless phones and wireless video distribution system cause significant interference with the AirPort network.
  13. bobw

    Safari 3.0 beta

    Apple has released Safari 3.01 for Windows, an update to the public beta that was announced earlier this week. Compatible with WIndows XP and Vista, it fixes security flaws.
  14. bobw

    Safari 3.0 beta

    You have to enable the Debug Menu for this. In Terminal; defaults write IncludeDebugMenu 1
  15. bobw

    Safari 3.0 beta

    In Safari 3.0 beta, the "Reset Safari" command has been substantially improved, how offered users the option to customize the reset, and delete only select items. It also now has the capability to remove all website icons ("favicons"), which can have a surprisingly dramatic performance boosting...
  16. bobw

    A Webcam.. ? ? ..?

    Take a look at iChatUSBCam
  17. bobw

    Determining Tiger serial number?

    I would call Apple and get it straightened out with them. As far as I know, MacOS has no serial number
  18. bobw

    Mac Freezing with New Hard Drive, New Install

    Try disconnecting anything connected to the machine, including the network, (Ethernet) except for keyboard, mouse and monitor after you shut down. In the morning see if the same thing happens.
  19. bobw

    iTunes account required for iPhone.

    That's only for using iTunes on the phone, not the phone itself.
  20. bobw

    What do you all think of this?