Safari Crashes


I was looking up what interference robustness is and everytime I got to this website, safari crashes after about 30-45 seconds of viewing the website. It doesn't crash if the website is in another tab and it doesn't seem to crash unless I highlight something.

Does that happen to anybody else who goes to:

P.S. Does anybody know what interference robustness is?
Base station Interference Robustness, provides improved performance when 2.4GHz devices like cordless phones and wireless video distribution system cause significant interference with the AirPort network.
I tried deleting the *.plist file and then relaunched safari and it told me something or other but I picked "use new settings". Anyways, it's still crashing

Also does interference robustness effect the speed in any way?
Works fine for me in new Safari 3.0.

Interference Robustness won't affect the speed.
I did not get a crash on either my MacBook Pro or G5 and I am not using the beta Safari beta, just the latest 2.04.
Alright, Thanks guys for your help. I'm sitting in front of the apple store to get my hard drive replaced so I'll also get them to look at this as well.