Search results

  1. bobw

    233 iMac identification help needed

    The iMac Bondi Blue is 233MHz. Memory - Rev A 384MB - Rev B 512MB PC66 144 pin SO-DIMM Max OS 10.3.9 Check the System Profiler. If it has 6MB of VRAM it's a Rev B model.
  2. bobw

    Safari search box

    One way is to use AcidSearch. Once installed, you can set up a number of search engines for easy access via the Preference menu (accessible when you click on the upside down triangle on the Search Window). There, you can make any search engine the default one.
  3. bobw

    Bulk faxing software - any recommendations?

    See if anything Here will work.
  4. bobw

    putting a tigger onto g4 350

    Yes, using Target Disk Mode
  5. bobw

    Best way to clean the iMac built-in screen?
  6. bobw

    G4 OSX Microphone problems

    What microphone is it. Some won't work on a Mac. Your audio in port is 3.5-mm analog
  7. bobw

    G4 OSX Microphone problems

    Check the Audio MIDI Setup in the Utility folder. Make sure it's set to 44100.0 and the External mic is set.
  8. bobw

    putting a tigger onto g4 350

    If you're planning to use the 10.4 discs from the G5, probably won't work.
  9. bobw

    Deleting programs

    Just drag the application to the trash and empty. Firefox and some other programs put folders in the User/Library/Application Support folder. Drag those to the trash. There may also be a preference file, but it's so small I wouldn't worry about it. You can get EasyFind and use that to find any...
  10. bobw

    Is my PC equipped to work with my Airport?

    See if either of these pages helps;
  11. bobw

    Safari just wont see things like others

    It's all Greek to me :), but it looks the same in both Firefox and Safari for me.
  12. bobw

    Startup Problems

    Read this
  13. bobw

    Have screen shots save as .bmp or .jpg?

    Try this in Terminal; defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleScreenShotFormat (format)
  14. bobw

    Is my PC equipped to work with my Airport?

    Have you tried Airport for Windows
  15. bobw

    Selling my G4 - Any ideas on price?

    Powermac G4 Mirrored Drive Doors - Dual 1.25GHz RAM: 512mb Hard Drive: 120gb Optical Drive: DVDrw/CDrw (Superdrive) Value: $570
  16. bobw

    Applications quit unexpectedly on launch

    As recommended in this ( thread from the Adobe forums (choose to login as guest to view the posts), you should put a tilda (~) in front of the twain pluggin so it doesn't load. This issue can be caused by a bad twain driver or can happen if...
  17. bobw

    Is my PC equipped to work with my Airport?

    from Apple's Board, see if it helps; Re: Intel PRO/Wireless 2200BG cannot recognize Airport Extreme (802.11N version Posted: Mar 7, 2007 12:29 PM in response to: koen25 Solved Reply Email Try manually setting the channel to 6 Re: Intel PRO/Wireless 2200BG cannot...
  18. bobw

    Converting FLV.

    Browse through These Programs.
  19. bobw

    Mac is Freezing

    Trash Firefox from the apps folder. Trash the Firefox folder in User/Library/Application Support Trash the Firefox cache folder in User/Library/Caches Check for a Firefox Preference file in User/Library/Preferences and trash if there. Use a different (Safari) browser for awhile.
  20. bobw

    How do I try apple hardware/software? quick question related to this.

    Call Apple and ask 866-752-7753 I don't know if they would do this, and my guess is no. But, if it's a big company and they may have the chance on selling a lot of machines, who knows.