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  1. H

    Visit my new blog.

    Visit my new blog.
  2. H

    .Mac down again?

  3. H

    HELP! installed panther now no StudioMX2004

    I have that same problem, althought in Jaguar. I reinstalled Jaguar over itself cause I needed the developer/bsd stuff I hadn't installed before. Now when I try to start any MX 2004 apps they just bounce in the dock then stop and the application never opens. I've tried reinstalling MX...
  4. H

    Printing with my pc on mac network

    lol, sorry, seriously though, here is a good article about setting up printing on your mac from windows clients. just replace the printer they used with your own. I've set this up on my iBook and HPDJ930 and works great.
  5. H

    Printing with my pc on mac network

    Yeah, change schools. Preferrably one that isn't in bed with Microsoft.
  6. H

    aac player for Windows???

    There are some WinAmp plugins Check out
  7. H

    Ripping VHS video to disk - what software?

    iMovie captures video and stores it in DV format. This is a very high bandwidth format and very little quality is lost. There are several exports formats that change the file size and quality of your final iMovie project. If you're using iDVD to create your DVD's, just choose the export...
  8. H

    Ripping VHS video to disk - what software?

    If you have a DVCamcorder you can pass it through there and then to your computer through firewire. Use iMovie to pull it on to the computer and then ffmpeg to convert it to mpeg2 and create the dvd.
  9. H

    Panther Server Mail

    Anyone know what, if any, the new mail server in Panther is based off of? I want to se an IMAP mail server up on Mac OS X but want to use the same application that Panther Server will for easier, maybe, migration.
  10. H

    Panther, How fast does it "Run"

    How many disks is this install?
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    Powermac G5 Ram??

    I've had good experience buy the lowest RAM configuration on the mac then buy from either or Just look for DDR 3200.
  12. H

    iChat AV technology

    rharder, I think you're right, it was open standards not open source.
  13. H

    iChat AV technology

    I believe Steve said that iChat AV is based on OpenSource technologies. Anybody know what technologies the AV is based on? Are there already apps out there that can be configured to communicate with iChats audio and video? I'd like to connect to the rest of the 95% of the...
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    Bluetooth Keyboard & Mouse?

    10.2.5 is out! In their knowledge base article they note - Bluetooth Setup Assistant now works with certain Microsoft keyboards and mouse devices. Has anyone with a Microsoft Bluetooth mouse or keyboard upgraded and tested it on...
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    Mac OS X Speaker Phone

    Anyone know of software that allows you to use your internal modem or bluetooth phone as a speaker phone, playing and recording through your mac speakers and mic? If not, it's a suggestion for developers!!!
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    It's possible but the complexity depends on the video outputs the camera has. If it has a Firewire/I-link connection it's a pretty straight forward direct connection to your mac. Most like your camera has a S-Video or RCA connection. For that you'll have to buy either a converter or a video...
  17. H

    Web cam and USB limitations make drivers for USB and Firewire webcams that aren't available from their manufacturers yet. I use it with a Logitech Quickcam 3000 and it works great! They list compatible webcams on their site.
  18. H

    Keynote vs. Powerpoint

    Man, does anybody expect to pay for software anymore? These companies put a lot of time and effort into making some pretty cool prodcuts and all we can do it bitch that we don't get them for free? I'm happy to be only paying half of what I'd pay for a professional OS coming from Redmond...
  19. H

    Stupid Move on Apple's part

    if they start charging for iApps will the open them up more? For example, would you be able to use your external DVD-R with iDVD?