Unlike a lot of you young whipper snappers, I remember the day when many many compaines produced presentation software that was more "multimedia" and related to Director than what we have today in PowerPoint. Despite processors and OSs that would be a joke today, it was a really cool time - lots of innovation (remember"innovation" - that thing Microsoft tried to kill along with our IT economy?). Of course all this innovation was ruined as Microsoft took over the world (unfairyl and without innovation) and almost every corporate or education presentation was reduced to a few ugly PPT themes. Suddenly, any subject in the world could be condensed to a set of bullet points.
Perhaps this has all changed? Keynote looks really nice - far more elegant to do the same kind of presentations PowerPoint still bumbles through (aligning objects and pitiful "seamless" intergration with charts and tables from excel for example) and it looks like Apple took some technology from Final Cut Pro in all those neat new video transitions. Still, what about making interactive presentations and making them easier to do? Believe it or not, you can do some things like this with PowerPoint, but it is far from elegant or powerful. This is something Apple could do so much better and I can't wait to see what Keynote can do in this respect and/or what Apple will add to it in the future.
So, anyone with a powerbook or ibook - make your next presentation in Keynote (it really should be offered for free) and wake up all the PC drones just like in the old 1984 Apple commercial!
Perhaps this has all changed? Keynote looks really nice - far more elegant to do the same kind of presentations PowerPoint still bumbles through (aligning objects and pitiful "seamless" intergration with charts and tables from excel for example) and it looks like Apple took some technology from Final Cut Pro in all those neat new video transitions. Still, what about making interactive presentations and making them easier to do? Believe it or not, you can do some things like this with PowerPoint, but it is far from elegant or powerful. This is something Apple could do so much better and I can't wait to see what Keynote can do in this respect and/or what Apple will add to it in the future.
So, anyone with a powerbook or ibook - make your next presentation in Keynote (it really should be offered for free) and wake up all the PC drones just like in the old 1984 Apple commercial!