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  1. H


    Are you going to be able to share internet connections with this or is it just file sharing? Will this talk to M$ OSes?
  2. H

    HP Photosmart 100

    Anyone gotten an HP Photosmart printer to work on OSX? Does the download off of SmartMedia work? Does it print well? Comments? -B
  3. H

    Bluetooth On The Mac!!!

    what about this... would be cool, to have this headset work with your mac.... plantronics m1500
  4. H

    libSystem.dylib HELP!!!

    Do you have Developer Tools installed? And what version? Is there something buggy with the Dec 2001 release?
  5. H

    libSystem.dylib HELP!!!

    Having trouble compiling no-ip for *nix under mac os x. December Developer tools installed...but I get this error... [localhost:bg/desktop/noip] root# make cc -O2 -g -Dlinux noip.c -o noip /usr/bin/ld: warning unused multiple definitions of symbol _login "link editor" definition of...
  6. H

    Apache and hosts.

    In IIS I am able to use one IP address for multible hosts on a domain. I have my DNS pointing ...and a handfull of others... to the same box with one IP address. MS IIS catches the hosts (www, www2, www3, ...)...
  7. H

    System OS Mobility Tips

    Needing some tips or how to's for setting up your system in a manner that allows you to swap out or reinstall Mac OS X versions without have to reinstall applications and preferences. For example moving your applications and user directories onto a different partition so that you can wipe...
  8. H

    Macworld *Designed for Microsoft Windows XP*

    Just noticed in the April 2002 edition of Macworld magazine Canon has an ad in there for it's digital camera line. No mention of compatability with all the mac software and hardware in the rest of the Mac Magazine, but they did manage to slap on a "Designed for Microsoft Windows XP" logo!
  9. H

    Macromedia JRun on OSX

    Any body had any luck installing one of the *nix versions of Macromedia JRun on OSX. Details of the installation process and which version you used would be greatly appreciated.
  10. H

    VPC 5 and video conferencing.

    Has anybody had any luck with usb web cameras and virtual pc (any version)? Is virtual pc not equipped to handle video? I have a Veo webcam and it is recognized and installed when plugged in but there is no video available and after a while I get an I/O erron. This is running the...
  11. H


    Anybody had any luck compiling and getting the No-IP updater to work under OSX for dynamic DNS? Any tips or quick how-to's would be greatly appreciated. -B
  12. H

    AFP WAN access?

    Yes this is all good!!! Especially running protocals over a secure protocal (i.e. VNC) Any how-to's would be greatly appreciated.
  13. H

    Newton OS 3 dubbed 'Navi'

    I hope they use a standard like PCMCIA/TypeI&II/Cardbus what ever standard card they use in their laptops. You can use your airport card when your at school/home/airport that has that technology, then swap it out for a CDPD modem while you're on the road. Add a pc card hard drive for more...
  14. H

    AFP WAN access?

    In AppleShare IP you used to be able to make shares accessable over the internet. You go to choser type the IP address in and you could mount the share. I know OSX Server probably has that service but does OSX "client" version? I want to make a share accessable over the internet? How are...
  15. H

    Newton OS 3 dubbed 'Navi'

    Wouldn't a PDA be an integral part of Apple's Digital Hub plan?
  16. H


    Anyone had any luck compiling TightVNC on OSX? Any tip would be helpful. A quick step by step would be awesome! -B
  17. H

    Rhapsody on Virtual PC

    Apple says you need a VESA 2.0 compliant graphics card. Many OS emulators are not VESA 2.0 compliant. Check with your documentation and see if VPC5 is. I ordered the upgrade to VPC5 and didn't get the documentation. Let us know what you find out. ---- Even if VPC5 is VESA 2.0...
  18. H

    Cocoa vs. Carbon

    REAL software has put out a white paper on the differences between Cocoa and Carbon. Is this just a ploy to cover the fact that the mac applications that REALBasic produce are only Carbon and not Cocoa. Lets hear from you...
  19. H

    Have we played with this idea before?

    does darwin have a gui? or is it all command line driven? Please give a short overview of darwin and it's compatability with all my osx apps.
  20. H


    Another possibility