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  1. Captain Code

    AppleTV HD movie rentals cost $16 each

    I have unlimited here in Canada. Some ISPs have caps but some don't.
  2. Captain Code

    Apple TV Take 2 is now here

    Update your Apple TVs, the new software is available!
  3. Captain Code

    no serial number??

    It should be the one that shows up in your About This Mac window. Where it says your OS version, keep clicking on that until you see the serial number. It should take 2 clicks to get to it.
  4. Captain Code

    Lepoard 10.5, Apple Tech Support and non-standard BSD Weirdness

    For your Office 2004 issue you should reinstall it because it works fine with Leopard. Something must not have come over properly.
  5. Captain Code

    Lepoard 10.5, Apple Tech Support and non-standard BSD Weirdness

    If the file or directory has extended attributes, the permissions field printed by the -l option is followed by a '@' character. I don't think anyone should be surprised that Apple's support doesn't know anything about the UNIX part of the OS. Most users that would be asking about that...
  6. Captain Code

    Larger capacity iPod touch/iPhone

    I'm not sure how long it lasts, maybe someone that has one can comment on that. And surprisingly the wifi chipset takes less power than the 3G chipset does.
  7. Captain Code

    Larger capacity iPod touch/iPhone

    I don't know specifically about the iPhone because I can't buy one here but my cell phone uses li-ion and the computers usually use lithium polymer which has a life fairly similar to li-ion of 300-500 charge cycles depending on the manufacturer. I would guess it's probably li-polymer.
  8. Captain Code

    Larger capacity iPod touch/iPhone

    I think that's the ultimate goal. Perhaps in 10 years we might have that vision like in Star Trek where any device can interface magically with every other device and share information. BTW I think the lack of 3G is definitely holding back the iPhone sales in the international market...
  9. Captain Code

    Larger capacity iPod touch/iPhone

    Nice timing, AT&T expanding it's 3G network
  10. Captain Code

    Larger capacity iPod touch/iPhone

    What's the battery life on the 3G phones though? From what I've heard you basically have to recharge the phones every day because the battery doesn't last that long. Then because li-ion batteries only last for about 300 charge cycles and they're dead, Apple would definitely have to offer a...
  11. Captain Code

    Larger capacity iPod touch/iPhone

    True. From what I've heard 3G isn't always that fast anyways.
  12. Captain Code

    Larger capacity iPod touch/iPhone

    I don't think there's going to be a 3G version of the iPhone quite yet. They wouldn't come out with this now only to release the 3G in a few months. I think if anything it'll be the end of the year 2008. 3G still seems to be a little too power hungry for most people's tastes.
  13. Captain Code

    Interview with Steve Wozniak

    Is it the return of Herve?
  14. Captain Code

    Interview with Steve Wozniak

    Does Woz still work at Apple? He keeps saying "We" when talking about Apple but I thought he didn't work there any more.
  15. Captain Code

    AppleTV Release 2

    The price went down quite a bit on the Canadian store.
  16. Captain Code

    Apple Movie Rentals - BAD IDEA!

    How about you rephrase your response to be less of an ahole.
  17. Captain Code

    Apple Movie Rentals - BAD IDEA!

    You can't screen record a DVD using Apple's DVD player, they don't let you. It's possible they will do this with iTunes rentals as well. Either way, I don't get the whole point of your post. There's always ways around DRM no matter what the companies try. It's legal here in Canada to rip...
  18. Captain Code

    Official MacWorld 2008 Thread

    Yeah, I had to zoom in on it to tell because that's too ugly to be a Mac.
  19. Captain Code

    Official MacWorld 2008 Thread

    Same here. I rarely rent movies and PPV prices are MORE than this. HD PPV here is about $7 CAD. So I'll wait to see what the Canadian price is once it come out here, but hopefully it'll be the same price in CAD as it is in USD. Leopard is $129 CAD here which is exactly the same as the US...