Interview with Steve Wozniak

Does Woz still work at Apple? He keeps saying "We" when talking about Apple but I thought he didn't work there any more.
Quote from Wikipedia:

Wozniak ended his full time employment with Apple for good on February 6, 1987, twelve years after setting up the company. However he still remains an employee (and receives a paycheck) and a shareholder.
Quote from Wikipedia:

Wozniak ended his full time employment with Apple for good on February 6, 1987, twelve years after setting up the company. However he still remains an employee (and receives a paycheck) and a shareholder.

I wonder what he does there.
Does Woz still work at Apple? He keeps saying "We" when talking about Apple but I thought he didn't work there any more.
You don't co-start a company as great as Apple and stop thinking of it as "yours" even _decades_ after you've stopped doing actual work there. He still _is_ the second person most people think of when talking about Apple. So he very much still _is_ Apple as much (or almost as much) as Jobs –*regardless of his actual position (or non-position) at Apple.
I get the impression of SW being an innovator and prankster who fell behind Job's business acumen and lack of 'geekiness'.

Jobs has obviously felt some loyalty to Wozniak. Perhaps the financial settlement and honorary role he enjoys in Apple reflects this.

The bottom line is that Wozniak created a vision and Jobs made it happen.
Hello folks ! I did not understand much to your exchange about somebody-with-a-polish-name , but had to look for ( & learned the meaning) of two expressions new to me : "wide stanza" & "to pull pranks " ( = "seagull syndrom" (:-)))) hello RHISIART...) .Thanks , and b.t.w. here are for those who care ( I know DICK TRACY does) two french expressions well adapted to that Monday morning ( last sunday was our "chandeleur" , candlelight feast , hence much pancakes flown up and booze washed down all over France ) :1/ "Faire les 400 coups" ( make the 400 blows) = to raise hell 2/ "Avoir la gueule de bois" ( to have a wooden head) =to get a hang-over . Y para los hispanophonos , que no se vuelven celosos , aqui esta lo mismo 1/ "ir de juerga" 2/ "tener la resaca" . B.T.W. , existe St-Brigit' feast , "chandeleur", "groundhog-day" etc...y que tienen uste como fiesta equivalente ? Saludos y paracetamolo to all
Hello folks ! I did not understand much to your exchange about somebody-with-a-polish-name , but had to look for ( & learned the meaning) of two expressions new to me : "wide stanza" & "to pull pranks " ( = "seagull syndrom" (:-)))) hello RHISIART...) .Thanks , and b.t.w. here are for those who care ( I know DICK TRACY does) two french expressions well adapted to that Monday morning ( last sunday was our "chandeleur" , candlelight feast , hence much pancakes flown up and booze washed down all over France ) :1/ "Faire les 400 coups" ( make the 400 blows) = to raise hell 2/ "Avoir la gueule de bois" ( to have a wooden head) =to get a hang-over . Y para los hispanophonos , que no se vuelven celosos , aqui esta lo mismo 1/ "ir de juerga" 2/ "tener la resaca" . B.T.W. , existe St-Brigit' feast , "chandeleur", "groundhog-day" etc...y que tienen uste como fiesta equivalente ? Saludos y paracetamolo to all
Oh , Trotlos , Herr Quion , lächerlich kleinigkeit irrtum , so sorry for this morning inept babbling , I irrupted through the wrong door thought I was in the hard-Monday-morning-rest-parlor ...So my MD was true afterall : Alzheimer & booze dont live happily together ...B.t.w., what is the tongue one must use when on ? ( and can one use all of its words ?)
Oh , Trotlos , Herr Quion , lächerlich kleinigkeit irrtum , so sorry for this morning inept babbling , I irrupted through the wrong door thought I was in the hard-Monday-morning-rest-parlor ...So my MD was true afterall : Alzheimer & booze dont live happily together ...B.t.w., what is the tongue one must use when on ? ( and can one use all of its words ?)

It's um, English really. And we all use most of the words we know, so it's fair to assume that one could use all of them if they chose to do so. I once tried incorporating a Spanish-only section, but failed to garner support of anyone but a chumly bloke called Easterhay and señor nixgeek, whom you see below your original post.

You ought to stop speaking through a translator, though, it's rather annoying and makes me use curse words.
(Is there a smilie for :relief siiiiigh: ?) I thought at once , seeing your motto "über nothing" & your lokalization ,that you were a spiked-helmet speaking through your cursor from the opposite trench , but that was a lasting hang-over effect , for sure , :D ... But have you noticed that since we appeared on the stage , everybody stopped thinking about the wearysome plot ? Shakespeare used that trick sometimes ...::angel:: ...
I have to ask....

Is there a reset button we can hit on vanostade? Seems like someone needs a cold reboot. I'm just waiting for him (...her? to post up some sort of kernel panic message anytime soon... :p