Search results

  1. Giaguara

    Study: Apple Users Spend Nearly $6 Billion To Fix Broken iPhones

    Awesome maths :D "I'm broke, so I need to make up my mind - either buy a big house or fix my iPhone..." - if I had a tenth of what those 2000 people surveyed have used for the phone repairs in average, I'd get a house. I guess we could try to extrapolate those statistics so that the $5.9...
  2. Giaguara

    TextEdit files in iCloud

    How about Evernote? I haven't tried especially TextEdit files with it, but whenever I need some text (pictures etc) on the road, that's what I usually end up using. Write the documents on the iPad or the Mac, then when home or on the road, use the other devices to continue editing them, and if...
  3. Giaguara

    Macbook Pro Unibody Owners Rally to ME!!: Recommend Cooling Plate

    I've tried some metal cooling plate that I forgot the brand of... I didn't like keeping the USB plugged in, even if it'd then give me extra fan power and more USB ports. Most of the time it seemed to me that the metal actually just helped keep the MacBook Pro hotter and not cool it. So for...
  4. Giaguara

    How do you like iOS 6 so far?

    iOS 6 is out for all (with a new enough iOS device) now. How do y'all like it so far? Any new surprise discoveries or useful hints? I see lots of bit*ing around about the maps. (So far haven't found any major problems with it). I see a lot about the Facebook and Twitter integration...
  5. Giaguara

    iMessage with same AppleID, but different devices

    You can have all users have their own AppleID for FaceTime, iMessage etc - and still use the same account for all for app store if you like.
  6. Giaguara

    I deleted a quicktime.frameworks file now Spotlight and Finder won't load

    If you had another Mac, you could start up this Mac in Target disk mode, and replace the exact same file (of the same version of OS X and Quicktime) to the same exact location on that hard drive. Your other Mac may have another version of OS X installed; the main thing is that you need the file...
  7. Giaguara

    Problems with internet

    What is different for the network settings for this Mac and the gadgets where the problem doesn't occur? Is there anything on your DNS (in System Preferences, search)? What's for the DNS on those others?
  8. Giaguara

    How to check for bad blocks?

    ... Which also won't work on a Mac running Mac OS X 10.3, which the original poster was using in 2004 when this thread was created. :)
  9. Giaguara

    Is this an Outside connection or My MacBook Pro

    It's an IPv6 address, but those are a bit harder than the traditional IPs to find out more. It seems to be located in US, but I can't find a hostname or more info with the name. Is there any other information about the connection in Little Snitch? Any details about the program asking for access?
  10. Giaguara

    Y does FF look like an 80 browser on my mac

    A few more ideas for the the possibie fonts issues -you could clean the font and other caches e.g. with OnyX (it's free). Just select the 10.4 PPC version You could also test for the fonts issue by disabling all fonts except system fonts in Font Book...
  11. Giaguara

    Can't change dock position

    Do you use an administrator account? (For non-admin account, even dock location could be limited by admins) Is your Mac in an AD domain? (same - some AD policies can dictate a lot) Try OnyX for running some cleaning and maintenance on your system; Free from...
  12. Giaguara

    Boot Camp Black Screen of Death

    Bummer. Windows logs suck even when in native Windows... One more thing you could try would be with different RAM. If you have other RAM pieces around... or if it were RAM (or graphics card), you might be able to get an error message in Apple Hardware Test.
  13. Giaguara

    Can't access share on Microsoft Server

    And if you don't have success with either of those, get the exact error messages, plus what gets generated in Console (/Applications/Utilities) while you try to connect. One more thing - are you connecting via Finder or Terminal? If only via Finder, try using Terminal - sometimes Finder still...
  14. Giaguara

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    The cities planned for cars is one of my complaints... when there are no pubs in crawling distance like there are in Europe (or NYC or if you happen to live in some artsy 'burbs of some bigger cities), it's not that common to go out for a pint. It's completely different when you can walk for 15...
  15. Giaguara

    OS X Mountain Lion - Spycam software Required ! Very Urgent!!!!

    I hope you have a good, legal use for what you are planning to do. This is what can happen when you use iSight for what you are planning to do There are other ways to do what they used at Lower Merion high school, but none of...
  16. Giaguara

    New to Mac

    9. Mac OS X keyboard shortcuts
  17. Giaguara

    Boot Camp Black Screen of Death

    It does sound like graphics card based on the above... Do you use Bootcamp Windows or do you virtualize it (with Fusion, Parallels etc)? Is there ever anything left in the Windows logs after these problems?
  18. Giaguara

    system launchd agent error starting/stopping system processes

    Radiusd keeps getting restarted by launchd. Time for some radius troubleshooting?
  19. Giaguara

    itunes quits unexpectedly

    Which version of Quicktime do you have? If there's a newer version available for your system, could you install that, then iTunes again, and see if that makes any difference? The component that called for the crash came from QT.