I deleted a quicktime.frameworks file now Spotlight and Finder won't load


I was trying to retrodate my quicktime application so I could use an older version of Quicktime pro. I thought I could delete all the quicktime system files and upload the older version. When i did this I deleted a file, quicktime.frameworks, which basically is required to start up Spotlight and Finder.

I can't replace the file by reloading the OS as my DVD drive is not working and because Finder won't load, I can't use any USB devices or external drives to manually replace the file. The system after log in, regardless I am in regular or Safe mode, hangs immediately after logging in and constantly tries to load Spotlight and won't let me not launch it.

The OSX version is 10.5.8, its a Mac Tower, so its a beast to lift and take into an Apple Store. Are there any tricks to boot it any other way and replace the file or get around the Spotlight issue?

If I understand your post, then you were not trying to downgrade from QuickTime X to QuickTime Pro, but from a recent version of QuickTime Pro to an older version of QuickTime Pro. Is this correct?

I am puzzled beyond belief. The versions of QuickTime that are compatible with MacOS X 10.5 are QuickTime 7.x. They are updates to QuickTime 7.0 that was introduced in 2005. For the most part, the difference between QT 7.0 and QT 7.x are bug fixes and compatibility upgrades.

The logical inference is that you are trying to install a less-compatible and buggier version of QuickTime. To the best of my knowledge, the version of QuickTime that shipped with MacOS X 10.5 is the oldest version that is compatible with the OS.

Unlike many users, you appear to understand that QuickTime is the MacOS X set of frameworks for time-based media and not just the QuickTime Player. These frameworks are required for the OS and most applications to operate. These frameworks cannot be removed if you expect your computer to function. This is what has happened in your case.

I am still baffled by what you were trying to accomplish by downgrading your QuickTime frameworks. I own or have custody of four Macs--one of which runs OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion and the other three that runs MacOS X 10.4.11 Tiger. All installations of QuickTime are the latest versions for the respective OS. If it can be played on a Mac, then I can play it on any of my computers. Downgrading is not only inconceivable to me, but also it is unnecessary.

You put yourself into a pickle. The fact that your computer is heavy notwithstanding, you cannot boot your computer from its hard drive. You cannot boot from its defective DVD drive. You are just going to have to disconnect all cabling and power and take it to a technician who repairs Macs.

For future reference, do not futz around inside your System folder.
If you had another Mac, you could start up this Mac in Target disk mode, and replace the exact same file (of the same version of OS X and Quicktime) to the same exact location on that hard drive.
Your other Mac may have another version of OS X installed; the main thing is that you need the file you deleted, with the same version of frameworks, to the exact location you deleted it from. So you could even have someone send you that file and then copy it to that Mac. When the Mac is not booting, Target mode is to your rescue.

/System and /Library are places better left alone, unless you know exactly what you are doing and why, and have a backup.
Instead of bringing your heavy Mac to Apple Store, you may want to buy a cheap DVD drive and replace your defective drive. Then you'll be able to re-install.