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  1. Z

    mkv & srt to dvd

    ...ok thanx,and just one more thing, what are the appropriate settings for handbrake to have those subs enabled? I mean what is the procedure? Do i simply place the srt file where the video file is having the same name with it and what do i do with the "forced sub only" option? must i have that...
  2. Z

    mkv & srt to dvd

    ok great recommendations, i already have Toast so i guess VisualHub wont be neccesary,right?
  3. Z

    mkv & srt to dvd

    how do i convert with handbreak to VIDEO_TS? and how do i add in the subs using handbreak?
  4. Z

    mkv & srt to dvd

    I have a mkv file and the appropriate srt file and i want to burn those two to a dvd in order to watch the video on a desktop dvdvideo player. If the subs cannot be toggled on/off i would like to have them enabled permenantly "on" when watching the video! How can this be done?
  5. Z

    moving my TM backup on other mac

    Ok thanx fryke, let me ask one more thing. Can i move the TM back up to another already working mac and still be able to see my files, or this can only work on a new mac?
  6. Z

    moving my TM backup on other mac

    Is that option kinda like the NortonGhost app, that makes a copy of the mac and then you can transfer it to another? Using this will it copy my apps too, will it take everything and install it to the other mac?
  7. Z

    moving my TM backup on other mac

    Right now i have TM backing up the stuff on my corporate laptop. At some point i will have to return the laptop to the company, how can i continue to work on my new mac and retain all the TM backups made on the corporate laptop?
  8. Z

    backing up my cellphone addresses

    is it possible to have a usb drive connected and sync them there so nothing will be saved to the laptops HD?
  9. Z

    backing up my cellphone addresses

    can i then move the synced addresses to another mac and delete them cause i have a companies laptop and the i do not want other to access me phone book addresses?
  10. Z

    backing up my cellphone addresses

    Is there a way to back up using a utility of some sort, the phone adresses i have on my cell phone? I have the sony ericsson 750i
  11. Z

    replacing pics in Keynote

    Linking objects in my perspective, is awesome because when modified, they simply update and you dont need to place the same pic over and over again once you finalize it!
  12. Z

    timemachine and external drives

    Yes im aware of that, thanx, i was hoping that there might have been a plugin that would allow TM to backup fat drives or so! but then again maybe im asking for too much! ;)
  13. Z

    timemachine and external drives

    Okay, so what would be the best solution to this? Change the formating of my drive, or can there be some other way?
  14. Z

    timemachine and external drives

    I tried it but the minus icon was grayed out for that drive! might it be some kind of disallowance for external drives? aha and should i say one more thing, its a FAT formatted drive! might that be the problem? :o
  15. Z

    replacing pics in Keynote

    Is there a way to replace placed pics in keynote, with other newer version pics (eg. like Illustrator replaces linked files)? Or do i have to do the whole thing (insert choose) all over again?
  16. Z

    timemachine and external drives

    How can i make TM take backups of external drives that are connected?
  17. Z

    setting custom Timemachine backups

    Thanx but it will not mount properly on my system (10.5.6) and i get an error msg
  18. Z

    setting custom Timemachine backups

    Is it possible to set Timemachine to make backups on a time schedule basis set by me. Say for eg. every day and not every hour, or every friday? How?
  19. Z

    converting mkv to mpeg2

    but how do i create in ffmpegX the VIDEO_TS folders from the mkv video file?