backing up my cellphone addresses


Is there a way to back up using a utility of some sort, the phone adresses i have on my cell phone? I have the sony ericsson 750i
Turn on BlueTooth in the phone ad on your Mac. After that pair the phone to the mac. Then on the Mac open /Applications/iSync and when iSync senses you phone click on the icon in the iSync application window. Then it will have a pop-down showing you what you might want to sync to your Mac.

When I had a Sony Ericsson phone it worked right away after I paired with my Mac. The application isync is great at it and it supports syncing to your model of phone.
can i then move the synced addresses to another mac and delete them cause i have a companies laptop and the i do not want other to access me phone book addresses?
Or just set it to sync over USB.

Of course you can. Create a new group for the imported stuff, export that group to your own thing, and delete the group from your company computer.
is it possible to have a usb drive connected and sync them there so nothing will be saved to the laptops HD?
I'm pretty sure that your not able to do it so nicely that way because address book doesn't really have a database file that you can move around (at least I think so).

Anyways, what you can do is make an archive by going to File>Export>Address Book Archive, then put it on your flash drive and delete whatever you have in Address Book. Whenever you need to use Address Book you open that file, but afterwards you would have to re export then delete everything in Address Book.

Personally I use Now Up-to-Date & Contact which has both a calendar and database for almost everything. It also has a database file that you can move around wherever you please.
Syncing with AddressBook works over USB. I keep bluetooth off whenever I don't use or need it, so I can't be bothered to turn it off for switching.
Sync will add them to your AddressBook. Drag all newly modified or added to a new list or group, and then do the export option as icemanjc specifies. After you are sure it's all saved and fine, delete them from that AddressBook and import from that file to yours.