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  1. nixgeek

    The Apple iPad...

    I have to say that I see the iPad as a harbinger. Could it be that, at least on the consumer side, this could mean the beginning of the end for the Macintosh platform? This is what Jobs has always wanted since the first Macintosh, especially when it's designed "for the rest of us". I'm not...
  2. nixgeek

    sony mp3 player, how to make mac compatible

    Some MP3 players usually show up as USB hard drives and you can manually put your music on the player by dragging it in there. Unfortunately, you won't be able to do it with iTunes as it's only meant to work with Apple's products by default. Now, I haven't tried these solutions, but they might...
  3. nixgeek

    The most Puzzling macosx problem I have ever encountered

    I understand that you're using IPv4, but IPv6 is usually enabled by default in OS X and it sometimes has been known to cause slowdowns in accessing the internet (same in versions of Windows and Linux that have support for IPv6 enabled). If you have disabled IPv6 in the section I mentioned...
  4. nixgeek

    Glossy or anti-glare?

    The glossy screens do have a crispness about them. You just have to make sure you have no light shining on the gloss directly, which indoors can usually be quite a problem. The matte displays, while not as crisp, obviously have nothing to worry about in terms of glare. At least the glossy...
  5. nixgeek

    The most Puzzling macosx problem I have ever encountered

    Patience, young grasshopper. Some people might not have come across your post yet. I just came across this just now. Try disabling IPv6 for your network interface in the Network pane under System Preferences. See if this resolves the problems you're having under OS X.
  6. nixgeek

    a message I get in yahoo mail lassic

    It cold be due to some Flash-based advertisement that is displayed when using the Yahoo Mail web interface. Upgrade to the latest version of Adobe Flash 10 and see if that takes away the problem. You might want to use the Adobe Flash Uninstaller just...
  7. nixgeek


    There is also a program called Max that will convert to Ogg Vorbis and FLAC (as well as a bunch of other audio formats) if I'm not mistaken. You can find it here:
  8. nixgeek word association!

  9. nixgeek word association!

    McEnroe :)
  10. nixgeek

    Power Mac G4 with ACP graphics

    Even if you upgrade the processor, you'll be limited by the system bus. Most faster PPC Macs (even the last PMG4 model with dual-procs) should be significantly cheaper now. Or you can invest the money in an early generation Intel Mac which will have much more longevity. At this point, the...
  11. nixgeek

    tearing hair out…

    I would have to agree with you, djackmac. It looks like it might be time for tonym911 to backup and reinstall OS X. Maybe with an external optical drive through USB or Firewire.
  12. nixgeek

    iTunes start by itself!

    Check under User Accounts and Login Items. See if iTunes is in there and set to launch on login. If so, disable it.
  13. nixgeek

    Happy New Years!!!!

    Happy New Year to everyone on from Miami, FL.! :D
  14. nixgeek

    My iMac has a life of its own !?..

    Have you checked to make sure there's no gunk in the keyboard causing this to happen? Food, hair, and other particles can do this. Try using a can of compressed air and see if that resolves the problem.
  15. nixgeek

    tearing hair out…

    I was already aware of your failing optical drive, hence why I recommended doing it via Single User Mode which doesn't require the disc. I do recommend checking out the HOW-TO on it because it means you'll be in a command line.
  16. nixgeek

    tearing hair out…

    Also, with some Mac laptops, the main battery also doubles as the PRAM battery (the clock battery you mentioned in your other thread). If your battery isn't holding a charge anymore, then this might be the cause of that particular problem.
  17. nixgeek

    tearing hair out…

    If you are force-shutting off your Mac (or any computer for that matter), you are asking for your system to get corrupted. The hard shutoff should only be done when there is no other way to shut down the system gracefully. If you search in the forum here, you will find a how-to on how to run a...
  18. nixgeek

    Start up disk is full

    Well, most operating systems do let you know when you've reached a critical low. However, it is up to the user to do the work of clearing out the space. I know that Windows will do what it can to assist, as does the latest Ubuntu (not sure about other Linux distros), but it can only do so...
  19. nixgeek

    [HOWTO] - Use niload to add hosts

    I know that this thread is quite old, but if you had seen TommyWillB's post, you would have seen that he pretty much answered that for you in November of 2008.
  20. nixgeek

    Black screen installing win 7 with bootc to me. :p But, as you said, it's still the full retail price.