Search results

  1. Mikuro

    Does ANYONE recommend FileVault?

    I'll add "don't let it get stolen" to my to-do list. :P One of the reasons I use FieVault instead of just using an encrypted disk image for a few sensitive files is that I'm really not in control of where everything is stored. How much private data is strewn about in ~/Library? Do my chat...
  2. Mikuro

    Applescript - Stopping a recording

    The "new screen recording" command creates a new screen recording document. So "stop new screen recording" basically means, make a new recording and stop it, which isn't what you want at all. You want to stop the EXISTING screen recording. You can access it from QuickTime Player's documents...
  3. Mikuro

    Does ANYONE recommend FileVault?

    I use FileVault. I have no big complaints. The most annoying thing is that I cannot back up my personal files with Time Machine without logging out. There was also a time when that failed for some reason I never quite figured out (perhaps because I was on battery power, as I only had one outlet...
  4. Mikuro

    AppleScript to find iTunes songs with no Playlist

    Open AppleScript Editor (in /Applications/Utilities) and past the contents of the text file in there.
  5. Mikuro

    Perl to C to Perl

    Ever tried Python? Python is generally considered easier to pick up than Perl. Personally I like it, but then I've only dipped my toes in Perl, so I'm not in position to compare the two. You might also like Objective-C/Cocoa a bit more. But actually, string handling in Cocoa is kind of a pain, too.
  6. Mikuro

    Applescript: Batch add file extension

    Just a quick-and-dirty solution: tell application "Finder" set the_files to the selection repeat with f in the_files set ext to the name extension of f if the name extension of f is "" and the class of f is document file then set the name of f to the name of f & ".mp3" end if end...
  7. Mikuro

    BBEdit alphabetizing

    Maks sure to check the "numbers match by value" box for alphanumeric sorting. You shouldn't need a search pattern for basic sorting. If you uncheck the "sort using expression" box, it will use the entire line, which sounds like what you want. Like MisterMe, I'm also using TextWrangler, but I...
  8. Mikuro

    Today's new Things (MacBook Air and whatever else was introduced in the keynote)

    As log as this is not Apple's first (second? hundredth?) step in removing freedom of software development and distribution from OS X, I think it's a good thing. But I don't have so much faith in Apple, to be honest. I think they've been going down the wrong road for about a decade. They've been...
  9. Mikuro

    How to create an Apple Script to search

    Here's one way to do it: set x to 0 try set x to (do shell script "grep -c 'TEXT TO FIND' /var/log/system.log") end try if x > 0 then say "The string was found." else say "No matches were found." end if I use a shell script within an AppleScript to search for the text in the file. There's...
  10. Mikuro

    Unexplained loss of disk space

    Edit: Never mind. Beat to it.
  11. Mikuro

    [APPLESCRIPT] Change QuickTime movie aspect ratio

    I've not known that to be the case. It's supposed to work on whichever movie is frontmost. It's dependent on the order QuickTime Player reports. Maybe it changed in a newer version. I'll run some tests later. I should also make a new script to work with QuickTime X. I haven't even tried it with...
  12. Mikuro

    Xcode with C++

    Are you "using namespace std"? Otherwise try "std::cout" instead of simply "cout".
  13. Mikuro

    USB flash drive won't mount

    I have a USB flash drive I've been using for about a year. It's an 8GB PNY model. Recently it stopped working in my MacBook Pro. The flash drive works fine in other computers, and the MacBook's USB ports work fine with other devices, so I'm not sure what the problem is. When I plug in the...
  14. Mikuro

    iMac Won't Recognize/Eject Disk

    There's yet another method detailed here, which uses the Open Firmware command prompt: Do any of the methods produce a mechanical response? For example, can you hear the motors at least attempting to...
  15. Mikuro

    How is this possible?

    Generally speaking, once a file is open, its path is no longer relevant. In some poorly-written programs (like TextEdit, last I checked!), if you open a file, move it, and then save changes, it will create a NEW file in the location the original was opened from. But most apps will even save it...
  16. Mikuro

    Deleting Apps!

    I used to delete GarageBand, iMovie, and other large apps when I had a smaller HD and needed the space. Today my HD is big enough that I don't feel the squeeze. If you don't use them and want to save space, you can safely delete the applications from the Applications folder, and also the...
  17. Mikuro

    2GB bandwidth limit on AT&T

    Along with the release of iPhone 4, AT&T changed their service plan. Now instead of unlimited data, they offer either 200MB/month or 2GB/month. I heard a lot about this directly after the announcement, but I'm wondering now that it's been out for a while how real users feel about it. I'm...
  18. Mikuro

    Green desktop

    If it happens again, take a screenshot by pressing command-shift-3. If the screenshot looks right, with no color distortions, then that means it's a problem with your display or video output hardware. If the screenshot contains the distortion, that could point to a software problem (or perhaps a...
  19. Mikuro

    accidental sudo rm /* (!!)

    Well, at least you didn't have -r set. So what you did was delete all files (not directories) in both your current directory and in /. The only system FILES in / are mach_kernel and some symbolic links. /tmp and /etc point to /private/tmp and /private/etc. At least on my Snow Leopard system they do.
  20. Mikuro

    making a playlist

    Glad you solved it. What was the answer? You might save someone else some trouble in the future if you post it.