BBEdit alphabetizing



I need to put a set of lines in BBEdit in alphanumeric order. I have read the program is capable of this and I _think_ I should be able to use the "Sort Lines" function, however I have not figured out how to do it. Possibly, my problem is the Search Pattern. Does anyone have a Search Pattern suggestion that might work for this?

Thank you! I am working with large data sets and this would considerably speed up processing.
Perhaps you could explain your problem better. I don't have BBEdit, but I do have TextWrangler, BBEdit's freeware little brother. I will assume that your file is composed of single-line paragraphs. In TextWrangler, follow these simple steps:
  1. Select the Text/Sort Lines... menu item.
  2. In the resulting dialog box, press Sort, [enter], or [return].
  3. There is no Step 3.
Maks sure to check the "numbers match by value" box for alphanumeric sorting.

You shouldn't need a search pattern for basic sorting. If you uncheck the "sort using expression" box, it will use the entire line, which sounds like what you want.

Like MisterMe, I'm also using TextWrangler, but I think BBEdit operated the same way (the old BBEdit Lite did, anyway).