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  1. Jesse714

    windows will not open

    This is why OS X is so fantastic!!!!!! :)
  2. Jesse714

    Trojan infection warning

    Your fine, it was a website she was on, one time while searching for a driver for a printer, i clicked the download link, and guess what popped up? It was a "fake scanning for viruses" window, And guess what it was scanning? My C:drive LOL Mac's don't have "C" drives, and it had a fake window...
  3. Jesse714

    Macbook Pro will not update

    What updates are you trying to do?
  4. Jesse714

    Old Macs

    I'd say give selling them a shot. Maybe just put make an offer, and see what some people come up with. :)
  5. Jesse714

    OSX 10.4.6 wont boot after free space erase

    I think it would be better if you had a retail install disc. Whether its copied to a disc or on the actually DVD that it came on, makes no difference if your computer will boot up from it (and then it will say This software Cannot be installed on this computer" I made my brother a copy of my...
  6. Jesse714

    iMac makes click sound and wont start! HELP

    Wow, thats a really cool method. Can you explain how exactly that makes a broken hard drive work? I kinda wish i had a broken hard drive to try it out now, haha.
  7. Jesse714

    Nat error in Azereus/Vuze

    I agree, but this sounds a little more like your router. I've always thought of uTorrent to be awesome.
  8. Jesse714

    Finder constantly hanging

    Hmm, sounds a little weird, I've heard good things about Onyx. its supposed to check your plists, which could be a conflicting problem.
  9. Jesse714

    upgrading to 10.5.6 from 10.4.11?

    No, everything should be pretty straight forward, just let it do its thing, and hopefully it will fix your plist problem. But i would highly suggest upgrading to leopard. :)
  10. Jesse714

    upgrading to 10.5.6 from 10.4.11?

    So you do in fact have Leopard, its in an ISO? This doesn't sound right, where did you get it from? If you would like to use it, Make a new blank disk image in disk utility, as a DMG file. Then restore the DMG with your ISO file, and then burn it using disc utility, you Have the 15" Powerbook if...
  11. Jesse714

    updating .plist files

    Ah, That must be the problem, the OS. I told him not to download a pirated version of OS X. Running 10.0 might be the probem also
  12. Jesse714

    upgrading to 10.5.6 from 10.4.11?

    Yeah fryke is right, it sounds like you have tiger. Yes you can upgrade from tiger to leopard, but as stated about, you'll need a leopard install disc/ not the update you get off apple. You could try to re-install the 10.4.11 combo update though.
  13. Jesse714

    Airport has Connection, Safari say I am not connected to the Internet

    Hm, Well so you mean that you've all ready rebooted it? To reset safari, the the right of the apple (in the top left screen) you'll see Safari in bold letters, click on that, and then hit reset safari
  14. Jesse714

    Startup problems on G3 iBook running OS X 10.4.11

    As you can see, she clearly posted that she did. You should always throughly read the post :)
  15. Jesse714

    titanium 500mhz processor upgrade?

    Oh does it hold a pretty good charge now? I actually bought it off craigslist broken, and spent the money to fix it, and i was going to keep it, but somethings came up. So now i have 3 ibook's 2X 600mhz, 640mb of ram, 20 gig hd, 10 gig hd, 1 good brand new battery 1 bad battery. so one is...
  16. Jesse714

    Airport has Connection, Safari say I am not connected to the Internet

    Have you reset safari? What about turning your airport off, and then back on? Have you tried to diagnose the connection? Like Satcomer said, Turn your macbook all the way off, as soon as you push the powerbutton, push the combo of keys [ Apple (command next to spc bar) alt P R] I couldn't...
  17. Jesse714

    updating .plist files

    Haha, This thread has turned into nothing but jokes. Can somebody help imthelaw or what haha.
  18. Jesse714

    Installed new ATI 9200 128mb (AGP) on G5 (2004) - dual monitor wont work

    Well, try it like this. Put your ATI V. Card back in, and hook up only ONE monitor, try both slots and see which gets you further. Let me know how it works
  19. Jesse714

    Installed new ATI 9200 128mb (AGP) on G5 (2004) - dual monitor wont work

    And your ATI card has 2 spots for a monitor, okay this is my conclusion, if you have a video card with 2 slots, one of which is going to be a Master, and a secondary, Like if you were going to have 2 hard drives, one is in either cable select/master, and one would be in secondary/slave. Does...