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  1. The Doctor

    Renaming "The Cafe"

    This is soo sad, Specailly because he PM'ed me and helped me a good few times. I didn't no him personally, but at least he died doing what he loved and also did it with Style! Sorry for everyone effected. Jamie Saunders
  2. The Doctor

    scary crash...

    Ok, not all bad then. It could happen again though. Yea it might be dodgy Motherboard, if you have ANY more info that is great! I don't how recent version of OS X you need but did it come up with a error message after the restart saying OS X has a error or something like that? The Doctor
  3. The Doctor

    scary crash...

    That's a OS X Kernel Panic. It's like the Blue Screen of death on Windows. Has anything bad happened though like data loss? The Doctor
  4. The Doctor

    Adobe CS3 Suite Apps, NOT WORKING! :'(

    Kim Possible, 32 lol Thank you so much they all work now! The Doctor
  5. The Doctor

    Adobe CS3 Suite Apps, NOT WORKING! :'(

    Thank you!!! I could kiss you, well DW installed anyway!!!! THANK YOU!!! :) just to try the other's tho!
  6. The Doctor

    Adobe CS3 Suite Apps, NOT WORKING! :'(

    Well, I tried ... but this bring's me to another problem. I load it and ask's for Password and It won't let me type anything in the Terminal or iTerm. The Doctor
  7. The Doctor

    Adobe CS3 Suite Apps, NOT WORKING! :'(

    I Love Adobe/Macromedia ... well know just Adobe. And finnaly UNIVERSAL apps :) One problem, they won't install! I had the First Beta of Adobe Fireworks ... great! Couldn't install Beta two when it was out ... kept on trying, but there we go! So I unistalled anything of FW beta 2, and...
  8. The Doctor

    New Apple Bootcamp Driver

    Hey, Thought I would let you know that there are some new drivers for XP and Vista :D. That is the first part. They should really help people on Vista and anyone who had the microphone problem (like me) Also you can use your Apple Remote on iTunes and WMP. The installer it self is a .msi...
  9. The Doctor

    Airport, Software - WHY!?!?!?! :(

    I thought this first of all but a) works on Windows Fine :( b) it looses ANY network connection. I don't know what is wrong. It's like the hardware fails .. But I know it isn't. The Doctor
  10. The Doctor

    Accidentily Deleted System Profiler

    ... Or If you don't want a 3rd party program. 1) Search for System Profiler it might be on your Macintosh. 2) If you really have lost it then look on your CD. 3) No hope? Well I dno, write another message lol. The Doctor
  11. The Doctor

    System freezing up

    Could you explain more? Does it just stop. Then what do ya do? The Doctor
  12. The Doctor

    Airport, Software - WHY!?!?!?! :(

    hey I edited my post so it should be more understandable now. The Doctor
  13. The Doctor

    Airport, Software - WHY!?!?!?! :(

    I have a problem with my Airport in my Intel Core Duo 20" iMac. I am using 10.4.9 but also had this problem in 10.4.8 It's defiantly a Software problem unfortunately I know this, because It works all the time in Windoze. :confused: What happens is I will be using OS X and using the net like...
  14. The Doctor

    Making an External Drive MAC friendly

    Sorry, I have to say this. What is a MAC?
  15. The Doctor

    Light Grey and Grey are the new white in QT

    Yep Vista and XP both have QT player installed (latest one) The Doctor
  16. The Doctor

    Light Grey and Grey are the new white in QT

    Iam making a website with interactive QuickTime movie. It works on OS X great and the ackground is white of th movie. But on Vista is show's up as a light grey box and in XP show's up as a dark grey box. I don't understand why it is doing this in Windows as this site is mainly for windows users...
  17. The Doctor

    iMac Microphone Vista!?

    I have a Intel Core Duo "20 iMac. I also have Windows Vista Ultimate. After hours and hours I manged to install the drivers for the sound, and also Vista knows I have a Built in Mic and a Mie lin out, but isn't getting aany sound from it. Any help will be greatful. The Doctor
  18. The Doctor

    Really long complaticted help.

    Edit: I knew this wouldn't get a reply anytime soon. I have been doing some stuff and Know I only need help with one thing. I need some software either for XP or OS X that can do what SuperDuper! does but with NTFS. plz reply ASAP. Thanks.
  19. The Doctor

    hard drive space disappeared

    who did that post you were on about? Also I had the same problem. I can't remember how i sorted it lol.
  20. The Doctor

    Sleep is Deep Sleep

    Kinda good error, but still isn't right. I use the Deep Sleep Widget normally on my iMac Intel Core Duo. One morning i turned my Mac on from the deep sleep, but it loaded Windoze :S .. .So i held down the power button, pressed it again held down Alt and then loaded OS X but it didn't restore but...