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  1. V word association!

    Mark Bolan
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    was wondering what type of ram can you help?plz

    Your iMac will take an 802.11b/g AirPort Extreme card ... Ooops, too late ;)
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    was wondering what type of ram can you help?plz

    Hi rangerfreak1, that RAM checks out and this has already been posted by DeltaMac, see this post, whom I must add, is someone who knows his stuff ;) Your specific model (M8935LL/A) and the model up from yours; (M9168LL/A) are similar in RAM terms and the 1GB PC2700/333MHz is backwards...
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    was wondering what type of ram can you help?plz

    I can't see the link you left, ranger ?? DeltaMac's advice is good to go ...
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    Internet Connect Configs grayed out

    Great troubleshooting anon42 :) Glad you got it sorted and thanks for posting what you did to fix it. Stick around ... it's a great forum :)
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    Mac OS X Partitioned External Drive

    Hi KOzdogs & welcome to the forums :) This may be a long shot but give it a try anyhow: I gather that Disc Utility recognises when the drive is connected? Ok, have a look at my attached image and in the window there are 2 mount options; one in the menu bar and the other in the drive info at...
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    was wondering what type of ram can you help?plz

    Hello rangerfreak1 :) I can relate to the confusion part ... as that G4 is an older model, a lot has changed since its release and a lot of modern RAM is backward compatibile (prob all modern RAM for all I know ... ;) ) and that's where it can be a lil' confusing ... for instance my iBook G3...
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    My Desktop Piccie

    Click for full size - Uploaded with plasq's Skitch
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    New MacBook Pro & MacBook take-apart guides

    Brilliant Satcomer :) Thanks for posting those links ;) "Dontcha jus' luv .... !!" ✌ Here's a high resolution image of the disassembled MacBook Pro parts .
  10. V word association!

    converse the shoes
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    Gif images problems

    Hello Sue :) Are these gifs that you want restored to your Picture Folder sitting on your Desktop or in the Trash?
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    cant listen to the radio

    Hello angiek723 :) Can you please post the exact message as you see it when you click on the streaming link ;)
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    Quadra 840 unable to load OA 8.0

    Here are some links to get you going: System 7_From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Index of /Apple_Support_Area/Apple_Software_Updates/English-North_American/Macintosh/System Index of /Apple_Support_Area/Apple_Software_Updates Apple Legacy Products Support Mac OS Versions System 7.5...
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    Import Mpeg into imovie

    I heard a rumour that VisualHub and a few other such apps have been discontinued?
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    iPhoto & Backup to CD help needed

    Oh I nearly forgot .... here's a link you might find interesting:
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    iPhoto & Backup to CD help needed

    It's members like you that motivate me ... ;)
  17. V word association!

    Pointy Helmets