Internet Connect Configs grayed out


I have three Internet Connect modem port configurations. If I bring up the Edit Configurations sheet two of the configurations are grayed out when I select each. So is the "-" for deleting them.

I originally had two configurations. I can't recall now whether they were grayed out at that point since I didn't notice this until after I created the third. The third one I created is not grayed and can be edited, deleted, etc.

I believe the plists for Internet Connect are and maybe,,
and in ByHost/ (where MAC is my MAC address). But I am hesitant to delete these since I think one of them holds the filename extension helper associations which I prefer not to loose.

Finally, the Network System Preferences for the modem port reiterates at least one of the configurations I have in Internet Connect. But that's because I entered the same information there. I don't think there's a explicit connection between the Network System Preferences and Internet Connect which would cause Internet Connect to gray out the configurations. And if there were that might explain one being grayed out but not two.

However, the Modem tab in the Network System Preferences for the modem port does have the "Show modem status in the menu bar" and when checked that menu does show all the Internet Connect configurations as choices. So there is some connection(s) between the Network System Preferences and Internet Connect.

Any ideas about this? Is this "normal"?
It took a bit of searching to find out where the two grayed out Internet Connect configurations are saved but I finally found them and that led me to understanding what's going on.

The two grayed out configurations in Internet Connect are saved in,


Those two are not controlled by Internet Connect which is why they are grayed out there. Instead they are controlled by System Preferences' Network modem preferences! The two configurations come from the main telephone number and alternate number specified there. So problem understood and solved :-)
Great troubleshooting anon42 :) Glad you got it sorted and thanks for posting what you did to fix it.

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