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  1. V

    is anyone spying my PowerBook

    ... buckle my shoe ... ?? :confused:
  2. V

    is this site's design unique?

    I'm using Safari 3.1.2 and I don't see the snowflakes/trees growing animation. I do see them in Firefox 3.0.3, tho' ...
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    Option Startup icons X'd out

    Not that I'm aware of, but that doesn't mean that there isn't such a command out there ... maybe another can advise on that ... Best bet, AFAIK, is to mount your iBook's internal disc on another compatible Mac, much like you would an external disc. Or if you had a bootable ext drive you...
  4. V word association!

    plus fours ... presses Ctrl + Command + D to check spelling ...
  5. V

    Mac Mail Help

    Had you seen this, carreragt1990: The Death of Hotmail for users and a new solution My hotmail account, the one that works with HTTPMail, is much older than 5 yrs, I can't say exactly when things changed but the newer accounts needed to be upgraded before the plugin worked. Some...
  6. V word association!

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    Mac Mail Help

    Hello carreragt1990 & welcome :) If your Hotmail account is a relatively newish one, and by newish I'm not able to say exactly when Microsoft made this change, but if it's about 4 odd years old, then this is why you can't link it to It's only the old Hotmail accounts that work with...
  8. V word association!

    Clarence Williams III
  9. V

    Safari Url hilight

    If you place the cursor at the end of the URL it should turn into an ibeam, then press Shift + Up Arrow to highlight the entire URL. 3 clicking is just as easy IMHO. You can also click at the URL beginning and hold the mouse button and drag the mouse in a downward direction to select the...
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    [HOWTO] wipe an internal hard disk

    There's an Options button in Disc Utility, where you'll find the choices to Zero out the data on the drive, depending on how much time you've got and how much you want your private information overwritten there are choices for all ;) Also, the forum you posted this thread in is for "tutorials"...
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    Opening .mdf files?

    See if there's any joy here: TICKET ARCHIVE -> Opening An .mds/.mdf File On Mac Os X Burn .mdf file on mac?
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    uploading videos onto my mac

    Open up Image Capture (Applications folder) and look in Image Capture's Preferences that you can choose which application launches when a camera is attached to your Mac. If you choose Image Capture, then you can select your own download destination and manage your movies/photos that way if you...
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    "Your startup disc is almost full"

    Don't forget to check the Trash in iPhoto and iMovie ...
  14. V word association!

    Loo Rolls :D
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    Laser printer hangs Mac 9500

    Hi Jason & welcome :) Here is a link explaining how to refill the cartridges: I want to refill the ink cartridges I too have that model and seriously, it's an entry level printer that I only bought it for it's scanning ability. I wanted to get into scanning my photos and have since come to...
  16. V word association!

    's on parade ... nearly stepped in it ...:D
  17. V

    Can't delete again ?????

    Do you mean you can't delete the completed jobs using the proper procedure, or you don't know how to find where to go to delete the completed jobs?