is anyone spying my PowerBook

Nothing out of the ordinary there, other than a BUNCH of applications. Nothing that would "spy" on you or your activities.

For the super-paranoid users that don't believe Adobe when they say, "we don't collect any personally-identifying information," you can always install LittleSnitch which will warn you anytime an application tries to transmit information on the internet (ie, "phoning home").
Nothing out of the ordinary there, other than a BUNCH of applications. Nothing that would "spy" on you or your activities.

For the super-paranoid users that don't believe Adobe when they say, "we don't collect any personally-identifying information," you can always install LittleSnitch which will warn you anytime an application tries to transmit information on the internet (ie, "phoning home").

In case it has been missed yet again. . . .

If you now own it for your own personal use and are worried what was left on it, you could always format and reinstall OS X.
Not allowed to do that! Plus the fact that i will not be able to install the apps that will be lost with format! So system must stay as given!

p.s. regarding the number 1 i wrote in a post before... well i made a mistake and wasn't able to delete the post! :D