Search results

  1. Hughvane

    Documents folder disappeared!! (tried other solution and no good)

    I'm assuming, because you don't actually say so, that you've used Spotlight to try and find the files. I'm sure you can remember the names of at least some of the files, so use a keyword from one (eg. 'homework', or 'plans') and type it into Spotlight. [A program similar to Spotlight, but more...
  2. Hughvane

    digital camera no longer recognized

    Same-similar problem recently with my Fuji. This advice from a camera shop - if you're using your USB cable connection a lot, there may be a buildup of dirt in the mini-USB port on your camera. Clean the contacts with a cotton bud and iso alcohol. Try cleaning inside the mini-USB plug on the...
  3. Hughvane

    Panther or Tiger for this guy

    My two cents' worth - right now I'm using a b/w tower G3 350 on 10.3.9 with an Apple internal modem on dialup, currently V90 (although I do adjust that to V34 when line conditions are bad). [At home I use an eMac on 10.4.11 with ADSL.] To be honest, Panther does the job fine for browsing and...
  4. Hughvane

    eMac Menu Bar Failure

    Lengthy post, but the problem and attempted repairs have taken place over several hours ... The top menu bar in Finder > Desktop fails to load completely. Startup and Login works fine, Dock appears, as do all desktop icons. Mouse is working. As items load into the top menu bar, at the top...
  5. Hughvane

    Hard crashes

    If you can bring yourself to work through the thread, take a look at:
  6. Hughvane

    There's a Toshiba Inside My Mac

    Amie, I thought you might like to know that in a different forum, a contributor's heading read "there's an ant inside my iMac". What on earth is Apple up to?
  7. Hughvane

    There's a Toshiba Inside My Mac

    Amie, that's a fabulous heading you've used, with all sorts of connotations springing to mind. I know you asked it seriously, and it has been answered so, but I say let's transfer it to Bob's Place as a sub-topic to draw responses from site humorists, eg. aicul ... nice one :D
  8. Hughvane

    Network spyalert pop up

    Did your search include these? and the link given thus ...
  9. Hughvane

    What apps can edit a .pdf file like a text document?

    If I tell you, will you solemnly promise to tell everyone else? Seriously, see the second of my posts on this topic, the Edit bit. 1. I used the .jpg file I'd created after copy/pasting bits from a .pdf file into AWks and saving as .jpg (QT), and then 2. I opened the .jpg in Acrobat Pro...
  10. Hughvane

    What apps can edit a .pdf file like a text document?

    Yes, and maybe that's what Krank wants to do. Challenge accepted - and completed. I have copied and pasted it from the 'edited' .pdf file I created into both AWks drawing and into MSWord. You have only my word as a bounder and a cad - not really :D - that I have done it, but, believe me, it...
  11. Hughvane

    What apps can edit a .pdf file like a text document?

    Which can then be reinserted in a .pdf file with pdf writer, yes? "Edit" is a very broad and encompassing term :). Granted, the contributor is looking for something "free/shareware". A pdf writer is - apparently - available from brothersoft. Edit: I've just run the editing test through AWorks...
  12. Hughvane

    What apps can edit a .pdf file like a text document?

    I've just tried this: 1. Open the .pdf file with Adobe Acrobat (assuming you have it) 2. Copy All (or whatever part you wish to edit) 3. Open TextEdit and paste into a new document. I've tested the above with MSWord as well. If there are graphics within the .pdf file, you can use...
  13. Hughvane

    Optical Drive Help And Advice

    In a word - Pioneer! No, it won't cost you a fortune. I recommend the Pioneer 112D or later. The brand just works well with Macs. I also recommend an external optical drive. You can build one yourself, after shopping around.