There's a Toshiba Inside My Mac

Most internal components are usually from other manufacturers. You'll find the same thing in PC branded computers as well. Toshiba also makes hard drives apparently. :D

Note also that the video and processor is from Intel (if you have a Mac mini or MacBook). Even the Mac Pro and iMacs have video components from nVIDIA and ATI.
Apple doesn't make computer parts. They simply assemble Apple-branded computers from other computer parts, exactly the same as Windows-based PCs.

The only difference between Macs and PCs is the operating system. The hardware is identical. Even this was true in the PowerPC-era... an Apple back then was still a processor made by a company other than Apple, the hard drives were made by Seagate, the RAM was made by Hynix, etc.
On some older Macs, if you looked inside at the logic board you would even see chips from Intel and AMD scattered around, as well as from Motorola (of course! :p).
I always thought there was a little rabbit inside my mac who was nice and soft and nibbled at carrots I would carefully leave next to the DVD drive every evening.

You mean this is not true, its actually wires and integrated circuits...??? :eek:
I have a Mac.

Amie, that's a fabulous heading you've used, with all sorts of connotations springing to mind. I know you asked it seriously, and it has been answered so, but I say let's transfer it to Bob's Place as a sub-topic to draw responses from site humorists, eg. aicul ... nice one :D
Well, I was being serious. I really had no idea! :p

Thank you for the replies and the explanations. Now I can tell my dad - because he's wondering the same thing (especially since he almost bought a Toshiba and I talked him into buying a MacBook instead). :D
Well, I was being serious. I really had no idea! :p

Thank you for the replies and the explanations. Now I can tell my dad - because he's wondering the same thing (especially since he almost bought a Toshiba and I talked him into buying a MacBook instead). :D

Amie, I had a similar feeling to you when I purchased 3rd Party RAM for my iBook G3 and it was IBM branded .... I naively thought that IBM RAM was only for Windows PC's. :o

Regarding the two competitors (Apple/Microsoft), I later learnt from someone that while Apple is predominately a hardware manufacturer, Microsoft is predominately (possibly solely, IDK) a Software producer.
Amie, I had a similar feeling to you when I purchased 3rd Party RAM for my iBook G3 and it was IBM branded .... I naively thought that IBM RAM was only for Windows PC's. :o

Regarding the two competitors (Apple/Microsoft), I later learnt from someone that while Apple is predominately a hardware manufacturer, Microsoft is predominately (possibly solely, IDK) a Software producer.


Don't you mean the other way around? From what people have been saying here, Apple doesn't manufacture much hardware - which is why my HD says "Toshiba."

BTW, what will happen if I press that key combo that's in your user title? Thought it might be wise to ask before I did it. :D

Don't you mean the other way around? From what people have been saying here, Apple doesn't manufacture much hardware - which is why my HD says "Toshiba."

I meant their end products ... iPhone, iPod, iMac .... Apple make the most from these sales ... but with graphics cards and hard drives they utilise whats already out there.

BTW, what will happen if I press that key combo that's in your user title? Thought it might be wise to ask before I did it. :D

They are forum shortcuts and not one particular shortcut, hence the forward slash ...

Ctrl + 1 will take you back to the macosX Forum homepage,
Ctrl + 2 takes you to New Posts etc.​

They work for most forums I frequent. ;)
On my machine, ctrl-1 gets me to screen 1 and ctrl-2 to screen 2.... it's like ctrl-left_arrow and ctrl-right_arrow.