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  1. Hughvane

    (YET ANOTHER) Apple Hardware Test Error Code

    Or iFixit
  2. Hughvane

    Increase printable area for Epson Stylus Photo 890

    Can't you do what you want via the document settings? The printer should just tag along with whatever your page margins are set to, providing they don't exceed the printer's feed-in/out limitations (from memory, it's 12 mm or 1/2"). Try setting up a document template with margins of 18 - 20...
  3. Hughvane

    Slide & Negative Scanners

    Epson and Microtek are generally well-regarded, but check these sites for info and comparisons:
  4. Hughvane

    replacing emac capacitors

    See if this link is of any help to you: particularly what sparkydog has to say.
  5. Hughvane

    Printer Recommendations

    In a word - Canon! Great to use, excellent compatibility with Macs. See:
  6. Hughvane

    Mac OSX 10.4 Update Problem -> then Re-Install Problem

    I suggest Disk Warrior, it's more effective than the System disks, but it's an expensive exercise. Several contributors describe it as a good investment, one which I think I shall be obliged to make rather too soon :( I hope it works for you. In the end it may be expedient simply to buy and...
  7. Hughvane

    ImageCapture gives corrupted jpeg files

    Yes, you confirm what I was initially going to suggest, ie. just what part of each file is corrupted? Under OS 9 it used to be the resource fork or the data fork, but I'm not sufficiently au fait with OS X to comment further.
  8. Hughvane

    ImageCapture gives corrupted jpeg files

    Do any of the 'corrupted' images open in other applications, eg. Preview or AppleWorks? A similar photo problem was posted on a Mac forum about two months ago. Several replies said don't use applications to transfer images from a camera, just use the Finder. Open the volume that mounts to the...
  9. Hughvane

    eMac Hard Drive Replacement

    Correct - I appreciate your interest. One suggestion provided says replace the damaged disk with the Hitachi and get it set up etc with HFS+ and Tiger. Thereafter put the damaged disk in an external enclosure and transfer the software thereon to the Hitachi. Actually I don't need an enclosure...
  10. Hughvane

    eMac Hard Drive Replacement

    About a month ago my eMac experienced some disk damage when a command overload caused chaos. Eventually the "Keys Out Of Order" fault was determined. This fault is, apparently, fixable with the use of Disk Warrior, an expensive exercise. Apple DU from the original disks cannot repair the fault...
  11. Hughvane

    Dial-up Internet Connection

    Hi Monica - fellow feeling concerning your dialup problems. I've been experiencing similar conditions myself very recently. Phone line companies almost inevitably reject the notion that there's something wrong with the line. However, my connection problems are more to do with the modem itself...
  12. Hughvane

    wireless keyboard

    Good to read you've got it sorted.
  13. Hughvane

    wireless keyboard

    What is the brand of keyboard? It's rather unusual for a keyboard not to work with OS X unless there's a system, wireless or hard disk problem. Are you in a position, considering the urgency, to buy a cheap, generic PC USB keyboard to use meantime? If the problem of non-function is replicated...
  14. Hughvane

    Power Mac G5 Will Not Turn On

    Voltage setting (if applicable). Round the back of the G5, where the power cord plugs in the may be a small slot through which you can see a sliding switch with voltage and current settings printed on it. If the computer was working okay for a while, then I doubt the voltage issue is the...
  15. Hughvane

    Power Mac G5 Will Not Turn On

    I note this post on another forum - good idea, spread the net. Reads to me like either 1. a power supply unit failure, 2. boot sector of hard drive corrupted or damaged, 3. internal hardware damage. Check the PSU for any smell of cooked components. The clicking noise suggests a relay failure...
  16. Hughvane

    wireless keyboard

    Try this: 1. Go to your Country flag in the top menu bar in Finder 2. Click on Open International 3. Click on Input Menu 4. Check ONLY Character Palette, Keyboard Viewer (optional) and that the Keyboard Input is matched with your country and is Roman Script. There are extended options such as US...
  17. Hughvane

    Free Local Dosk space???

    It would help to know what Mac you're using, and what OS version. In the meantime, R-click once on your Hard Disk icon and then Get Info. It will tell you how disk space has been used and how much free space is available. If Sims is correct, then you'll need to clean out unwanted files, folders...
  18. Hughvane

    Imac G3 Ram?

    PC100 SDRAM required, your iMac will accommodate 1 Gb with a matched pair. I read somewhere that PC133 SDRAM was used successfully, but speed increase was minimal. Shop around on your local internet auction site. In addition to the brands already suggested, I've used Kingston successfully...
  19. Hughvane

    please can somebody help

    That's bad luck Jamie. Because it's a 2-hand computer, your guess about the screen may be correct, or it may be a faulty video card. Because the screen has no display, you can't run a hardware test from the original installation disks, assuming you have them. It looks like a trip to the Apple...
  20. Hughvane

    Burnt smell, shut down... but now okay?

    And if I were you I'd use it! The smell of burning dust is different from that of cooked cable sheathing and soldered connections, and if it were just the dust it probably would have been noticed earlier. I suspect there's a cooked cable in that old PSU. Replace it for safety's sake, and...