wireless keyboard


Hi. I have a MacBook Mac OSX version 10.4.11. According to the package of my wireless keyboard, version 10.4.10 or later are needed. However I already tried to pair the keyboard and all the functions work but I can't write with it!! no numbers and no letters!!! I've already tried it a thousand times but it doesn't work. I even tried downloading some updates but it still doesn't work. Am I doing something wrong? and what can I do to fix this! IT'S URGENT!!!
Hi. I have a MacBook Mac OSX version 10.4.11. According to the package of my wireless keyboard, version 10.4.10 or later are needed. ... what can I do to fix this!

Try this:
1. Go to your Country flag in the top menu bar in Finder
2. Click on Open International
3. Click on Input Menu
4. Check ONLY Character Palette, Keyboard Viewer (optional) and that the Keyboard Input is matched with your country and is Roman Script. There are extended options such as US Unicode, Dvorak and Kwerty (QUERTY) but you need to experiment with it. Post back it there are still problems to report.
What do you mean "all the functions work" but no writing? Writing and key input is the _one_ function of a keyboard, even a wireless one. Which features _do_ work? My guess is it's not correctly paired with the computer.
just the F1, F2, F3, .... ENTER, TAB, COM, ALT. CTRL /....but the letter keys and number keys don't work...(sorry... I didn't make myself clear.... )
What is the brand of keyboard? It's rather unusual for a keyboard not to work with OS X unless there's a system, wireless or hard disk problem. Are you in a position, considering the urgency, to buy a cheap, generic PC USB keyboard to use meantime? If the problem of non-function is replicated, then we can look further at what might be happening.
Have ypu tried the keyboard on another computer. Maybe the keyboard is bad. There should be no reason why letter & figure keys do not work, while the other keys do work. It could be something like a key stuck (causing normal keys to become special keys).

Check out on another system and if it doesn't work also, return for replacement.

Good luck, Kees
I'm using someonelse's computer right now beacause the built-in keyboard of my macBook is failing... some keys are not working... don't know why... so right now I'm ok.. but I will be needing it to work soon...
this wireless keyboard is THE Apple's wireless keyboard, so the brand is not the problem. I've already tried it with other computers and it works...but not whith mine.
I found on another forum, someone that has had the same problem... but nobody helped her... I don't know how she solved it... I tried to contact her but I don't have an answer yet, but I'm shure she solved it cause that's what she says on the forum. I don't know what could it be... I was thinking about that it may need some software that my macBook doesn't have but don't know what... help me please
and i forgot to tell that i've tried with an USB keyboard of a friend.. and that keyboard works perfectly... so.. I think that the wireless one need some other application or somehing on my computer so it can work properly..but I still on't know what kind of thing it's lacking...